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A Great Way to Cry
Morning Glory
Citation:   Xuois. "A Great Way to Cry: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp74769)". Aug 6, 2018.

150 seeds oral Morning Glory (extract)
The previous two times I attempted morning glories, I chewed them straight and ended up feeling quite ill with no noticeable effects. This time I chopped up around 150 seeds into the smallest pieces I could (I cook on a regular basis so this wasn't difficult) then soaked them in a cup of water for about a day, separated the liquid and set it aside.

A day later at 4:00 I drank the liquid and waited. Two hours passed and with no noticeable effects I started watching Wall-e, during which I cried profusely several times (it might have just been me, but maybe not?). After this I drew for about half an hour then set my alarm for the following morning (my classes start at 2 and I wanted to be up by 8) then went to sleep. I woke up normally, no dream recollection, and looked at the clock, then at my watch, eventually realizing that it had been daylight savings. Looking online to find out which clock was right so I wouldn't be late for class, I noticed the date. It was Sunday. I called a friend to make sure the date was right and it was.

I was a bit disappointed with the morning glories, but I suppose my dose wasn't sufficient. I felt was enhanced emotional sensitivity(?) and some time distortion which carried on to the next day, perhaps made worse by daylight savings. Its good to note that the water extraction does completely get rid of the nausea, which is apparently related to the seed husks. Removing the husks prior to soaking seems like it'll help a lot from what else I've read. I'll definitely make another attempt when I find more seeds, but I'm glad I don't have class today.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74769
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 6, 2018Views: 618
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Hangover / Days After (46), Personal Preparation (45), Alone (16)

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