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Peruvian Torch Wood Lead the Way
Cacti - T. peruvianus & Cannabis
Citation:   Jpsyc. "Peruvian Torch Wood Lead the Way: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus & Cannabis (exp74817)". Jul 22, 2015.

40 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (tea)
    smoked Cannabis  
I have been interested in cacti for a long time, having tried Acid I wanted to see how different the mescaline trip was. However I could never find any ready mescaline, a bought a peyote cactus, but they take many years to grow and to be able to extract any mescaline. Then one day my friend gave me call and told me that his buddy sent him some Peruvian torch wood, he had prepackaged it into two doses for us. We each had one bag equaling to approx (40 grams of dried Peruvian torch wood). After some discussion we were told the easiest way to extract the alkaloids is through steeping. So we put the two packets into a pot and put it to a slow boil. We threw in some ginger to decrease the stomach pains we might get with it. We let it sit on a low boil for around 3-4 hours. We would check up on it every ten minutes, stirring and adding water when necessary. The cactus become pulpy and the water turned yellowish green. After 3 hours we took a piece of the pulp and tasted it. We were told that the cactus pulp should have little taste, and that if its still bitter it is not ready. So we left it for another half an hour, tested the pulp and most of the bitterness had been gone. We turned up the heat reducing the water content to just two glasses. WE took my friends old tee shirt and put it over the pot. We drained out he liquid into two glasses and then threw out the pulp. We had not eaten 5-6 hours prior to ingesting the mescaline.

We both drank our one glass. The liquid was greenish and tasted extremely vile. It made me want to gag, and chugging it down proved difficult. Luckily was had done a fairly good job of straining it. Because the texture of the pulp alone makes you want to gag. After drinking we smoke a couple bowls each and lay on the couch waiting. After around an hour we both started to feel a bit odd, displaced with reality. After around 1:45-2 hours my friend felt the urge to throw up. He threw up, telling me it was quite a painful one at that. I tried not to think about it, cause just the thought made me feel like throwing up as well. I managed to hold it in. My friend came back telling me he felt less high. After another 30 minutes I was starting to come up really fast. Everything around me started to move and the shadows around the objects started to increase in size. My friend told me he felt odd but did not feel nearly as high as I was describing.

Around 3 1/2 hours after ingesting I was getting even higher. I started to feel out of place, and that my mind was trying to leave my body behind. I would stare at the walls of the room, feeling that its size was limiting me, trapping me inside. I felt dizzy and confused as the edges of everything became more and more distorted. Suddenly I felt like I was watching myself from a birds eye view, like I suddenly been able to see myself threw an omnipotent third person perspective. I watched myself struggle in the couch as my trip became like a movie. It was like a montage, I would get flashes of the third person perspective, then I would see the wall move, then I would see a vision of the what the end of the trip would look like, then back to what I looked like. I felt detached with everything around me. My friend put on Mama Mia, the movie acted as an anchor point for me. It was was kept me tied to reality, it was kept me from sailing away into my own mind. The movie seemed cheesy to me, and I was unable to concentrate on it. This lasted for 20 minutes before I started to feel like I was a part of the movie. The music sounded great to me, and became a part of the background. Whenever it would be silent I felt something was missing and it would become very uncomfortable. Suddenly I felt like I was in the movie taking part it, although I could not really understand what was happening. This would be accompanied with random flashes of the third person where I would watch myself watch the movie, which at one point felt like I was watching my self watch myself watch a movie (I know, very confusing).

4-5 hours after ingestion I was still lost in my own mind, unable to articulate myself or make meaningful conversation with my friend. I would stare off into space and get lost in my own thoughts. This was like a cleansing but at the same time scary process. I would think about my cigarette smoking habit and how ridiculous it was I could not break free from it. I would think about all the mistakes I made and where I was going with my life. It was not as objective as when I was on Acid, this time it was very personal and I felt depressed with the way I was going. It made want to slow down and take drugs less often. It made me want to reconsider my entire life, and all the decisions I made. Through out the trip I felt very vulnerable and unable to function so I did not want to walk anywhere or do anything. My friend had experienced similar feelings and would also often space out into his own my mind. His trip was a lot less intense and he did not experience the profound out of body experience I did (maybe cause he threw it up to early....hard to say). Anyway 8-9 hours after ingestion I was physically exhausted and wanted to crash. I lay in bed trying to fall asleep but was unable to take my mind way from the endless thoughts that continuously bombarded me. It took another 2-3 hours before my mind let go and I fell asleep.

By the time I fell asleep the sun had come out and it was bright out, so I did not sleep for long. I felt tired and out of place, like a zombie. My mind was piecing together the decisions it made about my life, but overall I feel like doing nothing but sitting down on the couch all day (too bad for me I had a two hour drive on the busiest highway between me and home!).

In conclusion the trip was an eye opener and gave me perspectives I had never experienced showed me a side even acid could not show me. For me it was one of the most intense trips of my life. The way my mind was thrown into random thoughts and new sides to myself alone made the trip so intense. I would say that this is not for people who do not enjoy psychedelics, and it is not for the inexperienced. It is a very powerful drug which can play with your emotions and change your mindset for better or worse. I do not recommend someone with serious emotional baggage try this without and experienced drug guide to help sort through your problems (something this drug is good at, there is a reason it's an ancient healer among some civilizations). Otherwise if you don't mind possible stomach problems this drug is very intense and will bring you to a whole new level. Worth all the negatives!!!!

'80g (dried chips) steeped into 2 Glasses of water' for two people

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74817
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 22, 2015Views: 3,540
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2)

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