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Hard to Completely Give Up
Adrafinil (Olmifon) & Milk Thistle
Citation:   jetgirl. "Hard to Completely Give Up: An Experience with Adrafinil (Olmifon) & Milk Thistle (exp74830)". Apr 22, 2009.

  oral Adrafinil
    oral Milk Thistle
First I'd like to mention, that at least in my experience, milk thistle, when taken in concert with *anything* causes it to have a much longer tail. In other words, taking milk thistle causes any drug to stay around in my system for a period of several days, instead of the hours that would be experienced by the average user.

So, I've discovered that combining milk thistle with olmifon allows me to take only the tiniest fragment of a pill and still reap the benefits as if I'd taken the whole thing.

Like most stimulants, it gets me to gladly engage in tedious work, like programming or sorting things or cleaning the apartment. But unlike other stimulants, it doesn't interfere *as much* with falling asleep. However, unlike other reports, maybe because of the milk thistle, I find I don't sleep as well as I would like. In fact, after stopping it, I find I need to sleep heavily for several days afterwards, like 20 hours a day heavily. But there's nothing like a deep sleep with snoring and deep deep slow breathing, so it's okay.

About 3 hours after taking it, I notice that my eyes and nose feel cold. I don't like that feeling, I can counteract it a bit with a decoction of warming herbs like ginger and cinnamon. That feeling goes away after 6 hours.

I feel this is a premiere stimulant with none of the irritability or negativity caused by caffeine. But it does have the same soul-sucking side effects of other stimulants that causes me to feel emotionally hollow. After several days of using it I become quite wound up so that an unexpected random noise will cause me to be startled and shiver deeply. Social relationships get strained without me being aware of why. Ultimate I wind up too tense to relate to anyone naturally, but it is so great for tedious tasks as mentioned, that it's hard to completely give it up.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74830
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 22, 2009Views: 40,870
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Adrafinil (216), Milk Thistle (486) : Various (28), Performance Enhancement (50), Combinations (3)

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