THC Substitute
Spice Product ('Diamond')
Citation:   Shootah. "THC Substitute: An Experience with Spice Product ('Diamond') (exp74873)". Dec 15, 2008.

1 bowl smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
I experianced a high very similar to weed. Almost no difference whatsoever. Extreme tiredness, the next day I had a weird hangover. Not sick to stomach just really really tired. I wonder how long it will take before this substance becomes banned.

Reported Dose: 1 small bowl/smoke

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74873
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 15, 2008Views: 13,907
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Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends (472) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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