SmartPharm Gumbo
Lorazepam, Modafinil, Oxiracetam, Phenibut & Escitalopram
Citation:   jphilosoph. "SmartPharm Gumbo: An Experience with Lorazepam, Modafinil, Oxiracetam, Phenibut & Escitalopram (exp74899)". Feb 24, 2012.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Modafinil  
  T+ 2:00 100 mg oral Modafinil  
  T+ 2:00 800 mg oral Smarts - Oxiracetam  
  T+ 5:30 4 mg oral Pharms - Lorazepam  
  T+ 8:00 1 g oral Smarts - Phenibut  
  T+ 8:00 100 mg oral Modafinil  
  T+ 0:00 20 mg oral Pharms - Escitalopram (daily)
General Facts:
I'll note that the only thing I am prescribe of this concoction is Lexapro which I got on a little over a year ago after spending several years on St. John's Wort & other remedies for a diagnosis of PTSD & moderate depression.

I'm familiar with many substances from E to Acid to AMT to Shrooms & Herb. Years since I've been into that or any hard stuff. I'm more interested now in nootropics (smart drugs) for day to day life enhancement.

So my pops was away for a day to attend a seminar on Huntington's Disease (if any of you are familiar, it explains my interest in nootropics) so I decided to take a day concocting a mix of supplies I had on hand.

8:00 am - 200mg Modafinil
Modafinil is a fantastic substance almost a dream drug but one of the few downsides is that its effects taper with long term usage. If used daily for a month its only about half as effective. But this was a recent acquisition for me and I hadn't taken any in about 6 wks or so. 20 mins after I popped the pills, I began to feel the usual warm awareness & slight euphoria bubble up. I listened to some music which can sound a lot better on modafinil & messed around a bit on the comp.

10:00 am - 100mg Modafinil, 800mg Oxiracetam
This is way better than folgers in your cup. Just a little booster to keep the morning cruisin. Oxiracetem works gives me a little kick in the pants (motivation/energy) not on the level of modafinil but it adds lucidity too. After a little while of flying through some chores, and a lot of errands my responsibilities are done so....

1:30 pm- 4 mg Lorazepan
This turns out to be not what I expect. I know I had done it once upon a time long long ago & it seemed pretty fantastical. Unfortunately about all I really noticed was a return to nomal energy level & total lack of anxiety (might've killed any possible post-modafinil shakiness) but no real body high or any high of any kind that I'd remembered. Minor downer...

4:00 pm - 1g Phenibut & 100mg Modafinil
In an attempt to finish my gumbotrip on a brigher note I add 1g of Phenibut & 1 more pill of moda. Managed to give the trip an oxymoronic feel. Chilled out with the lorazepam & phenibut but still amp'd from the modafinil booster.

It was pretty good all in all. I was totally coherent & functional & slight more than happy for the whole day. Though I'd expected the lorazepam to have a larger effect, So not mind blowing though If someone boxed this combo as a workweek survival kit I'd be first in line.

Carry on!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74899
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2012Views: 8,834
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Modafinil (217) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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