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Reality Bubble
Citation:   Xanthine. "Reality Bubble: An Experience with Caffeine (exp7509)". Mar 31, 2003.

  oral Caffeine (liquid)
    oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
I thought I'd drop this note about a caffeine related hallucination(?) I had a few years ago.

Myself and my best friend, A, Used to regularly get a bit spaced out on caffeine and generally run around doing silly things. As I had an espresso machine, we used to go back to mine and have a few double espressos. There's probably still a couple of head prints in the upstairs ceiling at that place...

One evening we decided to camp out in A's conservatory and stay up all night to listen to the tribal gathering on the radio (Tribal dance music stuff -- pretty cool). It was very much a spur of the moment decision, as most of them were. We decided that in order to stay up all night we'd have a bit more coffee than usual and eventually thought 'What the hell' and took a couple of pro plus (caffeine pills) as well. Sat in the conservatory, we were talking about garbage (as we often do) listening to the radio when A went to get a drink and left me for a few minutes. I was just sat listening to the radio, feeling the beat of the music when suddenly it hit me.

We sat with the conservatory blinds drawn and I couldn't see anything from where I was sitting other than the interior of the conservatory. I grew convinced that there was nothing outside. Nothing at all. The universe ended on the other side of the blinds. Although this sounds scary I felt completely indifferent to it. I just sat there, staring at the edge of reality while the music filled my mind. In fact, I felt quite content with my tiny universe. Suddenly A came back with a couple of cups of tea and I woke from this weird trance. It had seemed like he was gone hours, but he'd only really been gone about 5 minutes. We laughed at my little 'panic attack' if you can call it that, although I was still feeling mildly paranoid. I wouldn't regard it as a bad experience. It was interesting. Very surreal.

I've had a few similar experiences and even a couple of mild visual distortions since (only from ridiculously high doses) but this was my first. Caffeine trips are almost always fun and I find that my more random thoughts can be quite inspirational. I've written lyrics and even whole songs while spaced on caffeine before.

Thanx for letting me share,
Take it easy.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7509
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 31, 2003Views: 33,032
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Caffeine (11) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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