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Caffeine-Like Energy Without Jitteriness
by RD
Citation:   RD. "Caffeine-Like Energy Without Jitteriness: An Experience with Cacao (exp75223)". Jun 12, 2018.

3 Tbsp oral Cacao (ground / crushed)
I recently went to a raw-foodie gathering and I picked up a lb. of Raw Cacao powder. We were talking to the guy beforehand, and he said that if I drink this 'dank cacao powder' in a smoothie, it will power me with energy for the entirety of my day without the jitteriness of coffee and without any comedowns whatsoever. This was a selling point to me, because I have always been a heavy coffee drinking, about 3-4 cups of double espresso a day.

That night, at about 9PM I made myself a chocolate smoothie with 3 Tbs. of the raw cacao powder. I started my school work at about 9:15. About 40 minutes later, I felt a huge burst of energy, much like the come-up of a standard amphetamine, and I could not manage to stay still. I was so overcome with energy that I felt the need to do some physical activity.

This feeling soon reached a plateau and I was able to concentrate and do my work without any jitteriness or tenseness. It was great. The only bad part was that it took me way to long to finally get to sleep. It was a food with a stimulant like effect.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75223
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 12, 2018Views: 2,594
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Cacao (638) : Performance Enhancement (50), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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