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My God, Bistromathics
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Dog-In-a-Pot. "My God, Bistromathics: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp7531)". Feb 15, 2002.

11 g oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
I was bored. Thats all there is to it. My roommate and I were conversing about how much fun acid was and how much we would like to have some now when I made the mistake of mentioning morning glory seeds. My friend is a lot more motivated than me so he got the ball rolling and in less than 2 hours we had been to the store and purchased a bunch of 'flying saucers' (I just liked the name), crushed them into a thick powder. We ate it about midnight I would say.

12:05 My roommates kidneys hurt.

12:30 I'm considering puking.

12:45 I puke. This wasnt so bad really, I felt better afterwards and was able to eat something. My friend let it sit forever and dealt with the pain of a poison we couldnt clean thoroughly. And it went on like this for awhile. I thought it was all there was going to be. It didnt feel good, no tracers even, sorta felt like dxm for a bit but then I remembered that dxm was toxic and i ate poison. But things picked up soon......

3:00 I had been watching television for awhile then and Riki Lake had just come on and I was getting more disgusted (but not enough to puke again) when I noticed that things were picking up. My roommate was playing Crono-trigger, he did this FOREVER.

3:15 The pain was going away and I was becoming FAST. Not like a amphetamine fast although close. My brain was very much remolding itself. I wondered if I had any say in this. I think I might have.

3:30 I came up with an idea and remembered it. I wanted to listen to the Bends. With great effort i forced my body to recognise my commands and put the cd in.

3:32 I could visually understand harmonic convergance. It was beautiful. I tried listening to tool afterwards but it just didn't do the trick that time. Sounded to tribal or gutteral but nice I guess.

4:00 This is, I guess, my peak. Although I couldnt properly explain it until later. I understood bistromathics. Bistromathics is a theory in the hitchiker's guide to the galaxy (good book) that believes that as space and time are relative in their way they are also somehow related to the numbers on checks in diners. In the book they made a ship that was an Italian bistro. Went real fast.

< 4:00 At this point I knew I was somewhere in drugs where I hadn't been forced to go before. I think I left my body. Infinite was uncontrollably obvious in everything. especially time now. I think at some point the increments of time I was in had become so small that something different than usual was happening. Im not sure what. Time slowed the hell down.

4:something I'm tired, its been two hours i guess and the crappy beginnings of this trip seemed weeks (or more) away. I was extremely strained at this point. I had little control of my body but I was sure I could make it do stuff if I could convince myself it wasn't dangerous outside.

5:00 I dunno guess I fell asleep or something.

6:30 Woke up. Underdog was on tv. I was still so confused by lovable shoe-shine boy's actions. I really couldn't understand (or pay-attention).

The day that followed was weird. My place looked bad. Not really though, it just had a bunch of electronics strewn about on the floor. Some guy came by and turned on my gas. That was weird. Most of the next day my head felt foggy. Like my brain was napping but was kind enough to leave enough programs for me to continue walking, breathing, making small talk, etc.
All in all, not bad, maybe not worth taking the risk again so for chrissake be DAMN CAREFUL!!!!!!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7531
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 15, 2002Views: 4,668
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Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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