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2 Hits in School on Halloween
Citation:   strait_out_da_hood. "2 Hits in School on Halloween: An Experience with LSD (exp75399)". Oct 4, 2018.

2 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
It was at the Renaissance Festival... The first time I did acid when me and my friends thought up this idea. Halloween trip.

As time progressed after my first acid trip, I decided that I would take two hits on Halloween during my senior year of high school. But no! Halloween 2008 fell on a Friday!! Therefore I was forced to take the acid at lunch while I was in school! So yeah, thats what I did.

12:00 PM

I hit up my dealer, who was my best friend at school and I got 2 hits of LSD off him for 29 dollars ((4 of which were my lunch money) and yeah acid is really expensive around here). I popped both blotter hits in my mouth and sat in the back seat while my friend took me and my other friends out to lunch I didn't notice any symptoms, but I knew that not eating anything would make the acid kick in faster than normal, which was cool because I needed my lunch money for it anyways.

When we got back to school it had been about 15 minutes since I had taken it. Some people I knew who were also into LSD asked me if I had taken any at lunch. I replied that I had, and that they shouldn't tell anybody about it. I heard a bell and decided it was time to go to class... So I did. I sat neatly in my chair. The class was a literature class, and we were studying Bram Stoker's Dracula. We were about to watch a version of the movie in our class... Little did I know how horrifying it would be.

I first felt the effects about 50 minutes to an hour after I'd ingested the drug. I noticed in the opening scene, where Count Dracula denounces Christianity (I thought he was a bad ass for it ;)) that they took a sample from that movie Dracula (The one with Keanu Reeves (lololol)) to put into the song Torn by Into Eternity. This made me feel happy. My trip began.

I Looked in front of me. A large kid in a dark blue shirt. I mused that it looked bluer than all of the oceans in the world... I realized I was tripping, and giggled to myself about it. I looked up to the TV monitor. I don't know if you've watched the Dracula movie with Keanu Reeves, but its really sick and downright disgusting, especially on acid. Therefore, I was sort of uncomfortable. I kept looking at the backs of friend's shirts, watching the designs dance and move on their backs.

I looked at the woodgrain table... It rose up from the and formed a visible 3D small mountain range on the table. It was layered. I closed my eyes and stuck my hand in one of the layers and it traveled through solid matter.

Dracula was still disgusting as hell.

The hour FINALLY ended and we got up out of our chairs and somebody flicked on the lights. JESUS CHRIST I'M TRIPPING! Everything looks NUTS! I stand up and try to keep my cool. I picked up my backpack and walked to the back of the room to chill near the door until class ended. The teacher was saying something but I was definitely ignoring it. Apparently she had said that she had candy for all of her students because it was Halloween (I found out only moments later). I picked out some Smarties from a bag of candy she had for us. I ate them all quickly and began to exit the room. I saw one of my friends dressed up as Waldo (you know? From the Where's Waldo books?) and I began to laugh out loud. It was even funnier to me because he knew I was tripping. I walked out the door and went quickly down the stairs like a robot to Wilderness Survival class (where I had my insightful visions).

I don't remember what the insightful visions were... I however now realize that they were part of my 'Atomic Existence' theory which states that all life lives through their atoms which are recycled into the universe no matter what after death and are turned into new things. We were watching a film about people stranded out at sea (Oprah from the 80's (my teacher noted her girth)). I somehow related to it in my altered state of mind. I felt that I too was lost at sea on a raft, by myself in a vast sea in day to day life.

Thank Christ that ended. I FINALLY walked relieved through the door. It was officially a Friday night, and I was trippin out. I met up with my friends, who had also taken acid in school and asked them how they were doing and shared my own mind blowing experiences. We were to go hiking at a local park near my house. I drove straight there with my friends from school. We hiked through the park and examined the large lake there. We all loved the nature of it and continued our walks.

We did a bunch of stuff there, and then we went over to our good friends house that was just out of rehab. I was very excited to see him, so we all went there. We watched a movie that I thought was hilarious, and then I went home for the night and ate a bunch of my Halloween candy that my parents got me (they're nice folks).

Thank you.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75399
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 4, 2018Views: 1,020
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LSD (2) : General (1), School (35)

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