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Herbal Euphoria
Ephedrine (Herbal X) & Hash
Citation:   Bastard. "Herbal Euphoria: An Experience with Ephedrine (Herbal X) & Hash (exp7545)". Jun 19, 2003.

1 tablet oral Herbal Ecstasy (pill / tablet)
  1.5 g smoked Cannabis - Hash  
I was looking through your experience vault and noticed nobody submitted a report on the effect of ephedrine and some good 'ole hash. I discovered this combo about a year ago and am still crazy about it. To report about it i'll just tell you about last friday, which was once again a great night in Rotterdam, Holland (near where i live).

We (a friend and me) got some herbal X on this party we went to and took 1 pill each. We've tried some diffrent sorts of pills before and noticed these worked best for us. needless to say we were verry happy to find excactly this kind. just about an hour later it kicked in (both of us at exactly the same time...Weird!!). We were smoking some hash before and since it wasn't very good stuff it got us a little down, instead of the (for me) usual sped up effect (opposite to weed). But the ephedrine got me back on my feet and enjoying the party i was at to its fullest. It took me a while to actually dance but before that happened i just felt VERRRY good. now, the dancing itself, became a new experience. Whenever i got into the music the right way, i closed my eyes and stood on the dancefloor allone (i thought, offcourse). Every time i opened i went like 'o shit, yeah, there's about 100 ppl around me!'

The point is that with some nice hash (doesn't need to be hash, weed is fine too) you feel the euphoric, chilly feel of the THC flowing through your veins but you don't feel so unmotivated or just plain tired.
Just for a last note: i like to be an informed, 'responsible' user. Me saying this shit rocks doesn't mean i do it every night. hell, i don't even do it every month. before even doing ephedra, ephedrine or any other drug for that matter, get informed!!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7545
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2003Views: 19,228
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Cannabis - Hash (93), Herbal Ecstasy (194) : Club / Bar (25), Combinations (3)

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