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Incomparable Euphoria
Citation:   MaDMAn156. "Incomparable Euphoria: An Experience with MDMA (exp75454)". Erowid.org. Oct 1, 2019. erowid.org/exp/75454

2.5 tablets oral MDMA
  1 shot oral Alcohol - Hard
      Tobacco - Cigarettes
This is the story of my mind-expanding, incredible first trip on ecstasy. Be wary, I was very lucky, I received pills that tested clean (no adulterants, only MDMA). Ecstasy, or any street drug for that matter, is not anything to toy with. Now, enough of the disclaimers, time for the trip description.

My first trip was not planned.
My first trip was not planned.
My friends and I were at my house, having a nice relaxing time, when my friend suggested I break out some of the pills I had been selling. I had not used any substances up until this point, outside of regular cannabis use. I was feeling adventurous, so I did. I hadn't eaten for about 2 hours before, and just before I dropped I ate a multi-vitamin as my friend told me that this would make me roll better.

T+0:00:We drop. Not knowing the dosage, I crush 2 and a half pills in a small shot of whiskey and down them. My friend does the same, although he is more experienced with ecstasy than I am.

T+0:35:We call a taxi to pick us up as we feel like going to town, but don't want to drive while rolling. Feeling slight rushes in my stomach, a smile takes over my face.

T+0:45: The taxi arrives and we all jump in, and by this time I'm starting to talk really fast. I'm talking to the taxi driver like we've been best friends for years, asking about his kids, his wife his aspirations. My friends begin to laugh amongst themselves in the back seat. At this point, I knew that I was fucked. I caught a glimpse of my pupils in the rear view mirror and realized how messed up I look. My body is pulsing, my mind is racing, and I feel like I want to hug everyone in the car.

T+1:00: We leave the taxi, and in all my euphoric splendor, I gave the cabbie a fifty percent tip.

T:1:45: We walk to my place of work, which conveniently is open 24 hours a day, and grab some water. One of my co-workers call me an e-tard, but I refuse to let myself care as I am feeling more mentally and physically amazing than I have ever felt in my life. My friends and I share a few cigarettes and have a big group hug. This is total bliss, even for my friend who generally is quite adamently opposed to male showing of affection.

T+2:30: I'm peaking. I've never peaked before but I can tell you for sure I am peaking. This is like an orgasm a minute for about a half hour. My friends and I share some more cigarettes and lie in the park looking at the stars.

T+3:45: I am beginning to come down. Wow, what an exhilarating experience. My friend and I had a good long talk about love, life, and our aspirations. It was an outstanding, eye opening experience I will never forget. We realize we like the same girl, but we decide that's cool and whatever happened would happen. E does that, it really allows you to converse about things that would be uncomfortable to talk about in other situations (i.e. not on E).

T+4:45: We all grab a cab home and talk about the night. We end up with the same cabbie as on the ride out and he smiles and asks us how our night was. Although I am not rushing anymore, I still feel empathy with profundity I cannot even begin to describe. I feel as if I am connected with everyone in this moment, that nothing could go wrong.
I feel as if I am connected with everyone in this moment, that nothing could go wrong.
We arrive home and lie awake restlessly for an hour or so and go to sleep.

I woke up in the morning feeling slightly groggy and truly uplifted from the previous night's experience. While we all went outside of our comfort zones with what we talked about last night, none of us feel awkward about it in the morning, not like some ugly staggering drunken confession from the night before that everyone feels awkward about in the morning. This is the unique aspect of ecstasy. While many substances make you 'open up' in the traditional sense, E makes you open up and truly feel good about what you're saying not only during the experience (which I could probably feel content about zipping a zipper up and down all night), but also after the effects have worn off. This issue is why it took me so long to try E even though I had been selling it for a few months and I always had hundreds of pills on hand.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75454
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 1, 2019Views: 685
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Relationships (44), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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