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A Powerful Allergy Relief?
St. John's Wort
Citation:   McFly. "A Powerful Allergy Relief?: An Experience with St. John's Wort (exp75477)". Dec 7, 2008.

20 drops oral St. John's Wort (extract)
After quitting a prescripted ssri for major depression, I started to use St. John's Wort to make sure I won't fall back into depression once again.

After several month of use I realized that not only my depression was gone, but my summertime - pollen allergies were also missing. (I didn’t take any of my prescripted anti-histamins.)

I searched through the internet, but haven’t found any mentions of St. John’s Wort having any anti allergy properties, so I started an experiment: I stopped taking it and the next day the good old allergy set in. When I took the alcohol based, over the counter extract again I could feel my allergies diminishing in about a half an hour. The summer and fall passed and I didn’t get any allergies again.

I found it very interesting and looking forward to next summer, when I’m planning to experiment on my buddies with allergies also.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75477
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 7, 2008Views: 15,679
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St. John's Wort (142) : Health Benefits (32), Not Applicable (38)

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