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Still Feeling It...
Citation:   Cynikal. "Still Feeling It...: An Experience with MDMA (exp75677)". May 1, 2020.

1 tablet oral MDMA
I'm a male I weigh about 175 lbs. I'm about 5'9 height

7:00 pm - I consumed one yellow IU (Indiana University) pill

7:32 pm - I feel more social, I begin starting a long conversation with a friend...

8:34 pm - I feel a slight warm feeling rushing through my veins

9:12 pm - I feel energized and my body is warm. I begin walking home, and I believe my hearing and smell senses have increased?

9:16 pm - I'm at home I grabbed my mp3 player, and began to play some electronic music, and I had to take a long piss...

9:42 pm - I believe I might have seen something visual like tiny sparkles out of nowhere?!?

10:23 pm - I still feel the warmth and my senses still seem increased, I begin to feel a sudden increase in warmth, I feel like something good is pulsating from brain and I’m feeling high?! And energized yet heavy!?

10:34 pm - I am now just laying down and listening to music, I don’t feel tired or hyper, I am calm yet I feel high almost like weed but not the same thing more like a transparent high

12:23 am - I think I got up to take over 5 pisses over this period of time anyways, I am sipping on a bottle of water, cause I felt like I needed to drink some, but I am still feeling very good

1:14 am - I’m noticing random light sparkles possible visual hallucinations but nothing bad, it’s random for some reason. I still feel warm and energized and still feel good :-)

1:21 am - I can feel my veins pulsate!? But I still feel okay, I am awake and aware, my surroundings still seem brighter then usual, and I suddenly feel heavy and light. I checked my pulse and my heart is beating normal.... I believe my thinking is affected somehow, but not bad.

2:01 am - I been noticing lately in songs randomly that I heard sounds that I never heard before, ever since my senses enhanced, I just realized this... Seems the sparkles come and go as well. My taste sense is still enhanced, hearing is still enhanced.

4:21 am - still feeling effects but I think it is weakening...

4:38 am - I believe some effects have diminished but I still feel other effects, I have decided to go to sleep now.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75677
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2020Views: 699
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Various (28)

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