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The Divine Formula of Faces
Citation:   Mr. Savage. "The Divine Formula of Faces: An Experience with Cannabis (exp75770)". Feb 28, 2022.

  repeated smoked Cannabis
I am first going to explain to you how the following is written. I have it organized into four little mini-chapters called: The Beginning, The Formula, The Intermission, and The Nocturne. I will try and give the best approximations of time, which became a pure illusion during this experience. This is, without a doubt, the highest I have ever been on marijuana, and probably the highest I ever will be.

The Beginning:
5:45 PM
My friend C and I had been planning to get mushrooms all week. Of the three connections we had to get them, all three dropped out. We both determined that the powerful drug would come to us when the time was just right, as it did the previous time. So with the money I had given C on Friday we bought some weed. About 2 grams or so, a solid bud.

He came and picked me up around 5:45 PM, and he hung out with these girls, T, J, and S, for the majority of the night. S had really come on to me from the beginning, and I was really interested in her as well. For the majority of the night we were really close and bonded - well, awkwardly bonded. I had every intention of getting to know her - really well. We all went and had dinner with C's dad, B, around 8:00 PM.

One the way pack we grabbed some wood for the fire. My overall mood at this point was intensely happy. S and I were really hitting it off and love was in the air. This was soon to be utterly destroyed.

We got home, set up the fire to warm our bones. The fire, before smoking, had such a mystical presence it seemed to gravitate my soul upwards and make life so much more profound. At about 9:45 or 9:50 PM, we began to smoke a joint of some different bud that C had got earlier from a Barbarian. Only T, S, and I smoked it. J and C were having there own little bond, and J didn't smoke marijuana any ways. T stopped after a couple drags, but S and I kept on burning. This weed has to be some of the funkyist tasting cannabis I have ever smoked. It was so fresh, it was almost unlike anything I have ever tasted. After finishing most of it, the schism of S and I's identities began. I slowly rose, leaving her in her own universe and entered mine.

The Formula:
Roughly 10:00 PM
I stood up and paced around, giggling and absorbing the warmth of the turbulent fire. It's randomness and seeming infiniteness was intriguing. At one point I made my way into C's hang out room and grabbed my iPod out of my backpack. This is the first device I would use on tonight's expedition.

I paced around the backyard scrolling to my first tune: Pushit (live) by Tool. The soft words of Maynard James Keenan calmed me as he told me to shut my eyes and find my comfortable space. The soft vibrant guitar behind him gravitated me to the ground. I laid there for a bit totally shut out from the everyone else. The clouds were lit up by the full moon in such a way that their texture was sharper than ever before. They moved and bended as if they were breathing, a life force seemed to flow through them.

Soon a mystery began in front of my very eyes. The soft and motivating words that recited 'Pushed you away my dear' echoed through my mind's antipodes and displayed to me a true revelation in the surface of the clouds. The gaps and puffs of these prolific idols would form the shapes of various faces. It took me awhile to accept that it was really happening but it was. Was my mind playing tricks on me? There was no way I could be hallucinating on cannabis - at least no like this. The face of Satan appeared several times throughout this experience, along the face of Pip-Boy (a character from the video game Fallout 3), who is a cartoon-like character.

I soon stood up and began to go on journeys around C's backyard. I was in another universe. I felt so disconnected from the others.
I was in another universe. I felt so disconnected from the others.
Several times C (still sober) tried to tell me to spend time with S, or something of that nature, and my only response was,'Dude, I'm in another universe, right now. You're not speaking on the right channel with me, man.'

My journey around the yard was prolific in it's entirety. I began to engulf nature in its truest form. The plants seemed to form the shapes of humans and tell to me stories. I shook hands with some plant that had the shape of an eight foot tall man with outstretched arms. I inquired him how his day was - he gave no answer. I studied burns and dirt on the ground as they all gave me various pleasures through their vibrant images. Nature was portraying to me an infinite happiness. This became my mantra as I lied down once again closing my eyes.

I began to seek within myself the answer to all questions. I began to fly through an intense CEV of a tunnel that warped and bent as I burrowed through it. There were intense variations of colors that bent and peeled into fractals and streams of light. Soon I began to feel intensely happy, as I had at dinner. This journey into my mind's antipodes really had a profound effect in me. The faces, the tunnel, the colors, all profoundly inspired something in me.

I walked around smiling - grinning from ear to ear. I walked like a God with my hands rested one on top of the other behind my back. I danced little jigs to the psychedelic vibes of Merkaba. I started to come back to reality and conversed with my friends. It was then that I became aware of something.

The faces. All the faces! I remembered seeing faces, not only in clouds, but in the smoke from the fire! I concluded that the randomness of fire must have been generated by some ridiculous formula. Using the first 50 answers from this infinite solution formula you could form a face from there places on a coordinate grid. It amazed me. Something so strange seemed so true. I became intellectually stimulated by this new theory.

I had spent a mere 40 minutes prancing around the yard experience these intense revelations. My mood was so uplifted, and I felt so harmonious and complete.

The Intermission:
11:00 PM
We needed to take these girls back to T's house. S and I rekindled on the ride home and promised to talk tomorrow. I gave her a couple kisses good night and C and drove off. On the way home C and I jammed to some really intense music and talked about some deep shit that I can't seem to fully recall. We got home and chilled for a bit. When it was about 12:30, we climbed outside to go smoke some weed.

The Nocturne
12:30 am
We were sitting by the fire smoking a joint, which we had a hard time getting lit. We were chilling with C's dad B, who lit up with us too. We talked about all kinds of crazy stuff. Most of it was about the girls and responsibility and what not. But it was intriguing. B is one of the coolest dudes I know, and listening to him talk when we're stoned is the greatest experience. At like 2:00ish, B departed for bed.

We went inside for a quick moment. I felt strange at this point. I was sort of lethargic, sort of energetic. I couldn't stop thinking about S. We went outside and smoked a doob and a some gravity bong hits. Then C and I both listened to music and stared at the clouds. I couldn't see as many faces this time because the clouds had begun to spread apart some. I did however feel them pulsing still. They seemed to move in different variables of speed, and in different directions. At this point I was so overwhelmed that we stood up and went inside.

I played Xbox while C fell asleep. At about 4:00 I woke him up and we decided it was time to go to bed. I had a hard time sleeping with thoughts of S and the faces attacking at me.

I got something new out of this experience that I will never forget. I got a really good friend, and a new profound sense at happiness. I feel that happiness is achieved through the objective perception of reality, nature, and the life within it. I dug deep into my mind's antipodes and revealed to myself an inner essence of life.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 75770
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 28, 2022Views: 400
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