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Everything Kept Falling Out
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Thereisnospoone. "Everything Kept Falling Out: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp76191)". Erowid.org. Oct 7, 2013. erowid.org/exp/76191

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
So earlier tonight, my friend and I were driving around when I had the crazy idea, 'Hey dude, I want to buy some salvia right now!' We think this is a great idea, for the last time I had done it, I had a pleasant experience and everyone that has heard my story has been stoked to try it. So I end up buying a gram of 10x Extract Salvia divinorum. After contemplating with my friends (let's call them X and Y) for a good 10 minutes on where we would have our 'circle.' Since I'm the only one in the group to have ever tried it before, I ended up shooting down all of their ideas because they didn't understand that this wasn't like anything they've done before. We finally come to conclusion that our friend Z's house would be the best place.

After we got there, we sat in his room and put our bubbler together. Since I was the only one who had done it before, I gave them all the specific warnings and even a run-through of what was about to happen because they should never underestimate this gift. I packed the first bowl while taking a few breaths to calm myself down before making my journey. I put it to my lips, took a fat rip and cleared the entire bowl.

25 seconds goes by and I let all of the smoke in my lungs out. There is none. I start feeling this 'ripping' feeling in my hands and mouth like I have wire-fencing lined over my entire body. Head change. Everything is zoomed out. I try talking but all that comes out is drool, a few broken words and laughter. I can't stop laughing.

'holy... fuck........ shhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiii-BOMASOIASDKAOSIMDA!'

What happened?
What the fuck?

My existence was gone.
Everything was black.
My friends appeared out of nowhere, and they didn't look different to me at all.

But they were shapes. Impossible shapes. Shapes that our human eyes can not even comprehend. They looked like tesseracts (the fourth dimension analog of a cube), but all were different. And they were colored in impossible colors that I can't even remember. Colors that I've never seen before and could not be made out of any of the infinite ways to look at a rainbow. They're not a part of the rainbow. They're different.

I knew which one was which too. Somehow I knew who they were, based off of pure knowledge. But they started laughing at me. And telling me that I was losing everything.

I saw myself as one of these shapes below them. In the third person. I started folding up into one of the 'T' Tetris blocks. And everything inside of me was falling out. I looked like a hyper-extended book, with everything that was 'me' falling out of my body. I found infinite sorrow in this and it physically hurt me. I needed to stop it, so I moved my body up and my 'sides' fell down, closing off the exit for my escaping 'existence.' I guess I stood up in real life so my friends started to tell me that I was just on Salvia and that I'd come down soon.

But all I heard was 'You're just on drugs and you're fine now.'

At that single moment did I realize that my entire life before this trip was just a drug trip. Everything was sucked out of me forever, as I realized that everything I knew from this world was gone and now all I was was a shape in the middle of nothing. This saddened me more than I knew possible as I realized whatever drug I was on that made up my entire life would never cover up the fact that I was just a stupid shape.

After this, I started coming around and Y walked over to me. He and X told me I had been laughing and bawling my eyes out for the past few minutes. He said I was dripping sweat and looked like shit, but I felt euphoric. Happy to be alive. Happy that my existence was real.

My friends were anxious. X was next, so he did the same as I did. He was sitting in the middle of the room when he let his hit out. I was holding the bub when he stood up and yelled, 'PUT IT DOWN!'

'Put what down?'
'Where do you want me to put it?'

He had his hands out this entire time like a bird. He sits down and falls to the floor laughing.

'Dude, I know what you mean!'

And at the time, I thought I did know what he meant. I thought it was a regular term, one that I was familiar with. Later on I realized I didn't know what the hell he was talking about. I guess he saw a frame of what was going on with black in the background and then it would slowly slide to his left and a new frame would come from the left. And so on and so forth.

After awhile he stands up and says that he was fine. He said he felt a horrible pain in his chest when he saw me holding the piece, but after that, he calmed down to fairly near baseline.

Y, anxious as hell, started taking his hit, and somehow managed to get far more smoke than either of us before him had. He blows it out softly and stops. He starts talking, but all that came out was jibberish. He's laughing, so we start laughing too. Suddenly, he stands up and slams his head into the floor. Repeatedly.

But he's still laughing so we think he's having fun so we don't do much else than ask him if he's okay.

He keeps laughing and tries to talk, so we think he's just tripping really hard, so when he started rolling around on the floor and started saying 'I fucked up,' while still laughing, we thought nothing of it. Until he gets up randomly and has a dead look on his face, looking like he's about to throw up when he starts drooling profusely and not moving or talking. We ask him if he's okay and he started yelling at me. Telling me how this was a horrible idea and how it's all my fault and how he's going to be fucked up forever.

He starts yelling about how he doesn't want to be there.
We ask him if he wants to get out of the room.
What do you want to get out of?

He's getting mad. Tries pushing me out of the way.

Eventually we make out way into the living room and Y took off his jacket. He was sweating. He curls up into a ball on the couch and complains about how much his feet hurt. He keeps stretching and getting up. Every once in awhile I ask him how he's doing and he keeps complaining about his feet. Eventually he takes his shoes off. I rub his head while he's laying on the couch (no homo) to try to get him to calm down, this eventually works. He passes out for a good ten minutes before he comes back around.

I guess he was aware of everything around him the entire time, but he had absolutely no control over anything. What he said, how he moved, or what he did. He said he was scared shitless because he was convinced that he'd be like that forever. And he blamed me because I 'made him do it.' But he really knew it wasn't my fault. He said he felt himself going insane because he did the opposite of everything he wanted to do, and he noticed it.

Salvia isn't something to fuck with. You should never do it with a bad mindset and should definitely never try to stop your trip or fight it. He said that's what he tried to do, and it ruined everything for him. And though my trip was really depressing and scary at the time, when I look back on it, I'm simply in awe over all of the amazing things that happened (given the fact that this was written only 7 hours later).

Don't underestimate this plant. It's like nothing you've ever done.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 76191
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2013Views: 2,957
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Second Hand Report (42), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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