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Stimulation for Hours
Citation:   anonymous user. "Stimulation for Hours: An Experience with Kratom (exp76207)". Aug 9, 2018.

  repeated oral Kratom
a bit like coffee

I'm an experienced Kratom user. When I started taking it years ago, it was giving me a relaxed euphoric state of mind, when it worked. Sometimes, effects were weak, euphoria was lacking, even with Kratom from a batch that gave me good effects some other times.

Now, I'm taking it more often, and effects are more consistent. I'm using it in winter to stand the low temperature of my home. When I take Kratom at night, I'm going to bed two or three hours later than I would have done sober.

It has a caffeine-like effect. It is gentler on the body than coffee. Also, contrary to the euphoric and relaxing effect, the heat and sleeplessness are not proportional to the amount taken in my experience.

I understand why this is used as drug for work. It doesnt actually give an increase in energy, but makes one more tolerant to cold and tiredness. Also, it doesnt speed the heart rate or make anxious and jittery like coffee could do.

I often read that small dosage is stimulant and higher ones relaxing or that it is first stimulating then relaxing. It doesnt work this way for me. A high dose will make me relaxed and euphoric first, but then stimulation will come and last for hours. The heat and stimulation will last a lot longer than mood lifting. Euphoric effects have become short lasting with regular use while physical effects become more noticeable.

I tried poppy tea and found that moderate opiate effects could also be regarded as a stimulant for physical work. Compared to Kratom, poppy tea effects last a lot longer, are more physically relaxing, but totally lack the euphoria or loving feeling that Kratom gives me. Also poppy is a lot more vomiting inducing.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76207
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 9, 2018Views: 810
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Kratom (203) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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