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Nature For The Mind
Citation:   Raymond. "Nature For The Mind: An Experience with LSD (exp76211)". Nov 22, 2017.

T+ 0:00
100 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
For a while I have harboured the ambition of taking LSD in my own home, a 15 acre property surrounded by lush forest and a large dam. I currently still live with my parents, so this wasn't possible until I explained my reasons to them, having taken mushrooms and smoked pot themselves they understood and it seemed they were even intrigued as to what experiences I might have.

So I and three friends travelled from town to my place, and got comfortable in my small pad a few hundred metres from the house, the day was incredibly windy with scattered clouds. T offered us all a small amount of MDMA powder which we ate, this was around 12 o'clock. We didn't feel much affects from this but it certainly put us all in the right frame of mind for what was about to come. We chatted and riffled over music for a few hours and then at 2 o'clock I produced the goods. 4 tabs of lsd labelled with the cute and cheeky Mr. Felix the cat (a word goes out to whomever made this batch as it held a high reputation as being some of the trippiest acid our collective has ever tried) we all consumed with smiles on our faces.

We left our room shortly after that, wrapped in blankets and using short bursts of our lighters to guide us through the pitch black and on our walk. We crossed a large paddock and took rest on the side of the grassy dam embankment for a cigarette. It was shortly after this that the clouds parted and the full glory of the night sky was revealed, it was then that nature seemed to call forward our coming trip and we all simultaneously lay back in astonishment, mouths open barely believing what was happening. Then we looked at each other and began to laugh, we stood up, the heavy wind took hold of our blankets and it felt like we were taking in everything at high speed, a huge smile was spread across our faces. We walked up the embankment to reveal the huge volume of water that was behind us all along, dully lit by the stars.

I led our little group into the forest stopping on the way to pick up what I thought to be a bone, but turned out to be a stick resembling a short staff with the head of a dragon (still treasure that to this day) As we walked we discussed how the darkness enveloped us in the most comforting way possibly, like we could be anywhere at all hugged by the vastness of infinity. We all hugged and made a den with our blankets, it was wonderful.

We returned back to the room and listened to music and fell deep into hallucinations. Paintings I had done over the past few years covered the walls and the heater sent a current of warm air up, fluttering the prayer fags and over all giving the feeling of the whole room flying through a vast plane, I’d look at my friend and we'd turn to the walls and lay back in wonder. The palette of colour in that room was like nothing I’ve ever seen.

After a while we settled down a bit and ventured outside again only to jump back as we realised the sun was about to rise, we once again made the same journey we'd made earlier that night but this time it was nature the surrounded and hugged us. The wind raced by, everything around us, the trees, and the grass was a mass of intense lush green movement. We paused in the middle of the paddock to look deep into the grass and admire it incredible beauty and endlessness.

Once we reached the top of dam I turned round and leaned back as far as I could without falling over. My vision at that point was vast I could see everything all around my, the wind stretched the tips of the trees off into the distance, everything swirly and moving, alive! At this point I felt no longer human but a part of everything around me, as green and alive as what I was seeing. Then my friend pointed to the sky a humongous cloud was above us, lit red on the edges by the rising sun, suddenly the whole cloud and many of the surrounding clouds became brightly red, shiny, smooth, then soft and organic (we all saw this so I’m quite certain this beautiful sight would have been just as amazing if we weren’t on acid) I concentrated on the cloud as it moved slowly, with grace and purpose. Then to my astonishment a lion cub appeared atop it, proud and facing the wind, he took a giant leap and fell plunging into the green paddock before me; this is a memory that will stick with me forever, a building block of my life I am sure.

We continued into the forest, everything became increasingly alive, birds, insects, green lush filled every sight. We strayed off the path and into this wonderland, touching, observing and saying to each other how fulfilling it all was. We headed back to the room for the last time and sat and smoked and discussed, all very happy with our adventure.

This was the only trip I’ve had so far that has been completely void of any bad feeling. Setting was crucial and so were the people I was with.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76211
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 22, 2017Views: 990
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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