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Ker-Plunk In A K-Hole
Citation:   Psychedelitron. "Ker-Plunk In A K-Hole: An Experience with Ketamine (exp76254)". Dec 26, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I am not usually a ketamine user, in fact am usually the one running round on some form of uppers (MDMA being my favourite) shouting 'SAVE THE RAVE!' at ket-heads and ranting about why downers kill the mood of parties, but this expierance I had was actually pretty fucking cool.

It was a friday night and I was at a mates house, which is inhabited primarilly by drug-users and pissheads and host to almost daily parties. On this night there was people round but I had turned up late and sober. The shops were shut so I couldnt get any alchohol and the only drug going was wonk. I'm not one for spending a night sober, so after a lot of sitting around bored I decided to go against my usual rants and took my mate up on the offer of a nice fat line of K. I had only done it twice before and, having done relatively low doses mixed with lots of booze, had never had a particularly strong effect off it.

However, in my sober state, this time I felt the effects very quickly. I became slightly disassociated with my body and entered a weird kind of mild limbo. I felt very free. To be honest I can't really remember much of my early trip, I just remember moving mechanically alot and it feeling very intense when I did.
I just remember moving mechanically alot and it feeling very intense when I did.
I could amuse myself for ages just by saying phrases like 'I'm woooonky' and moving in different ways. However, as I became more and more sucked into the plug-hole of the trip, my grip on reality started to dwindle. I kept looking around the room and wondering whether my surroundings were real, trying to remember if I'd had a life here or whether I was currently in one. Who were these people? What was I doing here? What was I?

All this time I was the source of great amusement to the provider of the K, who had been chatting away and trying to enhance my trip as much as possible by her conversations and spinny behaviour (in addition to feeding me numerous lines!). As I sunk into my thoughts and lay back, she started giving me a head massage, presumably knowing it was gonna seriously trip me out. By this time I had my eyes closed and had left reality completely. I was a singular collection of consciousness surfing through space and time.

I have spent ages trying to put my subsequent trip into words because I find K trips are VERY hard to describe, but I think I've finally got it.

I don't know if anyone has played the game 'kerplunk', but basically it's a kids game involving a plastic tube which you prod plastic straws through. Basically at this point in my trip my world, or rather everything in existence (and yet nothing in existence at the same time) was like one of those plastic tubes. I could feel, hear, smell, taste and see this as a singular sense at the same time, and yet involving none of these senses. As I recieved this head massage, it was if the various pressures across my head were across this tube (or my existence, if you prefer), pushing the rods through at different lengths and intensities. Each of these rods triggered a different sensation or emotion, all neither negative nor positive (just WEIRD), and the intensity depended on the length prodded in. It's important to remember that the kerplunk game is a very loose metaphor, and the trip was in fact nothing like the game kerplunk.

I'm not sure when she stopped massaging my head, because this trip distorted slowly into other things impossible to describe over a period of time which could have been anything from seconds to hours. Apparently, according to someone else in the room at the time, I sat up at one point and preceded to pick up and consequently drop a shoe for quite some time.

When I gradually came back to reality, it was a really crazy expierance. It was similar to entering the K hole, in that I questioned whether I knew these people or this place, except this time I was genuinely unsure whether I was leaving or coming back into reality, whether I was a ball of consciousness or a person.

To be honest, it didnt really turn me on to K that much, I'm still dubious as to whether sitting around silently with a glazed expression and a hanging jaw is a good way to spend a friday night, but it was a wicked expierance and I'll definatly be doing it again some time (in fact I have done it once since then, and it was almost as crazy!)

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76254
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2018Views: 878
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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