The Reason I LOVE It
Citation:   Nizzazle. "The Reason I LOVE It: An Experience with LSD (exp76269)". Mar 23, 2016.

2 hits   LSD (blotter / tab)
I was an average girl (whats average mean anyways?) 19 years old, a sophomore in college at an established university in the states, studying business, working as an intern and I was home for the summer. It was a great summer I might add. My parents were making their way to burning man and were going to be gone for a whole week, leaving me in charge of the house, a big beautiful house with a huge secluded landscaped back yard covered in trees, flowers bushes and a pool! Not you're average pool, it had a diving board!

The summer up to this point had been pretty nonchalant, I had been hanging out with friends, mostly my friend B, we had become best friends in the instant we met earlier that year (that might have been because of the fact the night I met him, I was on ecstasy for the very first time in my life). Just so I can set everything straight, I never did drugs in high school till my senior year when I smoked some weed and did mushrooms twice, that is until I met B my sophomore year of college and he introduced me to E. I absolutely loved it and I have done it quite a few times since.

So the first night alone in the house I had a few people over for a pool party, it couldn't have gone better, must people were drinking but me and B and another friend did some E. It was a great time. The next morning, unusually, I felt GREAT! I was laying in the pool with B and we were listening to Jack Johnson and the weather couldn't have been better. Out of the blue he says, 'Lets go get some acid!' and I replied with a 'Hell ya!' So we waited till my boyfriend, C, got off work, we jumped in the car, drove for 20 min. to get the acid. I had never really thought about acid, whether I would do it, or anything remotely. So this was so exciting! I was a little apprehensive because the two times I had done mushrooms in high school I wasn't a huge fan, they always seemed to have a dark side and really sharp dark angles (know what I mean?).

ANYWAYS so this whole acid thing was new to me and I was nervous/thrilled/anxious all at the same time. We got the tiny pieces of paper, 6 in all, 2 for each of us and jumped back in the car to ride back to the house, before we started driving, we all put the paper in our mouths and I just thought to myself, this is it!

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
As we were driving home, B called his friend who had done the same acid the day before to ask her what she thought. Come to find out (B told me this a year later) the girl said it was the strongest acid she had ever had and that we should not take more than 1/2 - 1 blotter, we had taken 2! I'm grateful that B didn't tell us that, who knows where our trip would have gone starting off with that mindset! So here we are, pulling into my drive way, running inside like little kids and we decided to through everything we could find that was waterproof into the pool! (pool toys, snorkeling gear, plastic tubs, outdoor umbrellas, bubble wrap, you name it) We put some relaxing jack Johnson on the outdoor stereo and swam around with flippers and goggles! Up until this point I hadn't noticed anything different and wasn't sure what changes to look for then all the sudden couldn't feel the water any longer
all the sudden couldn't feel the water any longer
, I couldn't tell when my body was in or when it was out, or the temperature of it either! It freaked me out a little and I thought to myself, could I drown?!?! Then B yelled, 'Look at the trees! They are dancing to the music!' Sure enough, as I ripped off my goggles and looked toward the blue sky, the trees, the flowers, bushes were all swaying to the music as if they were dancing and enjoying our company!!! It was so beautiful! I kept staring at them all in amazement, I felt they each and every part of the nature in the backyard were smiling and dancing with us! I could have stared at the trees all day long in that state without getting bored for a moment!!

Me, B, and my boyfriend C were now in a circle in the shallow end all with floaty toys laughing swimming around, I felt as if I was one with everything, I could not tell the difference between the water, myself, the trees, the music, C, B, the toys, the feelings we all had... it was amazing! There were no barriers! I thought to myself, holy shit I'm tripping on acid! Without warning you go from the reality you live in everyday to a whole new reality that you never knew existed, all in the blink of an eye!

Not knowing what time it was, we decided to get out of the pool and go inside to see. Getting out of the pool was beyond strange. Being in the pool sober and then transitioning into a full blown acid trip then trying to get out of the pool and walk....are you crazy?!? As we climbed out of the pool B runs and jumps off the diving board out of nowhere, then C follows and does the same thing! I was thinking hold shit I'm going to drown! Then I thought, what the hell and ran and jumped off the driving board too! As I came up to the surface, I remember seeing the water splash and waves came over me and it was the strangest thing I had ever seen/witnessed, I didn't feel a thing, nor did I know where my body ended and where the water began. I climbed out of the pool and followed the boys inside. That's when things got really strange. I walked into my house, but it wasn't my house! Nothing looked right, i felt like I was in some strange house and I could explore every corner, it was so exciting and I couldn't wait to get started! The strange thing about acid I realized, was that, everyone is having their very own trip, and you don't have just one trip on LSD, there's thousands!!! We all pretty much went our separate ways at this point, exploring the rooms in the house, different objects, It was quite entertaining.

About half way through I ran downstairs and on a piece of paper wrote: 'What is life all about?' I put it right smack in the middle of the kitchen with a pen, hoping C and B would somehow come across it in there journey and write something down! To my surprise, B and C both found it and I read what they wrote an hour or so later, what they wrote was breathtaking, real, honest, realizations that could only come from the magnificent power of acid. There were so many things I wanted to experience, I decided to take a shower and little did I know, this shower would become an epiphany of a lifetime. I got in the shower and I felt as though someone was talking to me, a voice echoing in my head, someone unfamiliar but I realized that that someone was me, but not only was the someone me, that someone was everyone I knew, that someone was all the material things I had, all the living things on this earth and then I realized that this voice was 'god' and this 'thing'/'me' knew all the secrets of the universe! Suddenly I knew all the answers to so many questions! I kept going farther and farther and deeper and deeper trying to reach that 'one answer' the answer to ALL questions... but I couldn't... quite reach it... But I was ok with that, I knew so much already! Everything in life made perfect sense for that one moment, the most blissful feeling. And then I realized that its not you against me, we are all the same thing! We are ALL god! It was the most perfect moment in my life. And as soon as it came, it was gone!
It was the most perfect moment in my life. And as soon as it came, it was gone!

I got out of the shower and I ran down the hall looking for B or C and finally ran into C and gave him a big hug, wanting to tell him what I had just experienced but one look at his face and I knew I didn't have to explain anything! The rest of the night was fantastic, I stood in front of the mirror naked, for what seemed like days, examining my body, trying to understand how I could criticize something so beautiful? I wanted to scream on the top of the roof to everyone that would listen that life is so wonderful and why would anyone waste a moment by being sad or angry or frustrated or any negative emotion when we have so much to be happy about! When we can make our own destiny and we decide what our futures hold! I had such inner peace that night and I cannot to get back to that mind set! I absolutely love LSD and I understand that not all acid trips go like this, actually 3 years after this trip I decided to do acid again with some new roommates and the trip went anything but good. We actually managed to get lost in the forest at night and had to walk 6 miles home.. but that's a whole other story. I refuse to let that experience override this trip, because I honestly still believe that if everyone had the change to open their minds, discover what we are all capable of in this life, understand whats important, we would all be a lot happier. One of these days I want to experience acid the way I experienced it in 2005. What an amazing experience.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 76269
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 23, 2016Views: 2,280
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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