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Just Like the Real Thing
Spice Product ('Diamond')
Citation:   Hippieman420. "Just Like the Real Thing: An Experience with Spice Product ('Diamond') (exp76286)". Jan 14, 2009.

1 bowl smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends
I am a fairly heavy user of marijuana. I have been smoking it almost daily for about 3 years. When I got busted for a simple possession, it drove me to look for legal alternatives. This is when I discovered the Spice product. I had read many reviews and checked many sources before breaking down and buying a 3-gram pack of Spice Diamond for $55. Based on the reviews I had read, I was expecting good results from the product; I tell you, I was not disappointed at all.

When I received the package, the first thing I did was try a bowl's worth of it. The taste wasn't harsh at all, and actually smelled wonderful. About ten minutes after smoking the bowl, the effects that followed were almost verbatim with the real thing. I experienced the familiar spacey feelings that I commonly got with pot, along with munchies, excessive laughter, and heavy eyelids. I honestly couldn't tell a difference between MJ and Spice, except for the differences in taste.

The product definitely works, and works well. I couldn't believe it was actually legal. It's so effective that I seriously could replace my MJ habit with this.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76286
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 14, 2009Views: 22,983
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