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Temporary Insanity
Cannabis & Amphetamines
Citation:   tomtom. "Temporary Insanity: An Experience with Cannabis & Amphetamines (exp76656)". Sep 9, 2016.

20 mg oral Amphetamines
    smoked Cannabis
I'd first like to state that my love affair with marijuana state started at the age of 14. I was immediately in ecstasy from the first hit from a glass pipe, and thus continued to use for a year or so. In the beginning it was fun, to experience another state of consciousness (munchies, introspective thinking, hilarity in everyday life) but after almost a year of use (on and off, with some long breaks) something occurred. I began to have delusional thoughts, severe paranoia, and was seeing geometric patterns and random color changes, which were unearthing. Some might call this insanity, others might call it a bad trip.

On that cool morning in December, I started the day off with two ten milligram Adderall’s. I was experiencing all the pros of amphetamines (flowing thoughts, intelligent speech, insight, euphoria, EVERYTHING) and decided to smoke a couple bowls to induce a bit of creativity. I had mixed adderall with weed before, and I must say it is an odd experience. The weed is less pronounced in a sense, because the speed makes me less sluggish, less hungry, but some things are more noticeable. Anyways, after smoking a few bowls I felt pretty good, but that was before everything went wrong.

I walked into my living room, and was entranced by the television. I sat on a comfortable seat, but I felt very weird. Everything around me was morphing into different shapes and sizes; shadows crept up walls, silhouettes ran around on the ceiling, delusions incessantly crossed my mind, and an internal, psychological conflict commenced.

I lost myself, I was delirious; I thought the cops were after me, then I thought I had cancer, then I thought that I was god; and when I went outside to smoke a cigarette, I saw the lamppost across the street transform into a little red riding hood like figure. It was terrifying. I felt like the trees were staring at me; I could see distinct faces on each one, and this was, for me, disturbing. Time was certainly flying.

I cannot remember if I had taken anything else that day, maybe a little DXM for my cough, and caffeine to boost the speed
I cannot remember if I had taken anything else that day, maybe a little DXM for my cough, and caffeine to boost the speed
, but whatever it was was much too intense, and thus I decided to sleep it off. For a month or so this ’insanity’ persisted, but within that month the geometric shapes and every other portion of this delirium dissipated.

I still use weed occasionally, along with Ritalin, Adderall, ecstasy, alcohol, salvia, various opiates, benzos, and cigs (on a daily basis), but at the age of fifteen I figure it's important not to jeopardize my future by overuse.

Sometimes, it's just not worth it.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76656
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Sep 9, 2016Views: 1,614
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Cannabis (1) : Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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