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The 'I' Must Stand for Insight
Citation:   Doc4life. "The 'I' Must Stand for Insight: An Experience with 2C-I (exp76797)". Feb 23, 2010.

25 mg oral 2C-I
A little background info on myself. I've done shrooms twice, weed about a million times, ecstasy about 20 times. That is the extent of my usage. Last used shrooms over 10 years ago, last did ecstasy about 5 years ago and last did weed over 3 years ago. I did some research on the net about ecstasy one day and came across the 2C family. 2C-I is supposedly the next ecstasy, so I was intrigued. I did more research and and found a reliable vendor to purchase from. I put in my order for 1 gram and waited. I tracked my shipment from southeast asia and found out that it was stuck in customs. This made me a bit paranoid because even though 2C-I is legal to posses, it can be considered an analog of 2C-B which is scheduled in the States. Long story short I ended up getting the stuff after it spent 2 days in customs.

I weighed out 25 milligrams on my digital scale. The scale was going a little crazy on me, and 2C-I will stick to anything so it was hard to get the stuff off the scale. I waited until 11pm and poured the stuff in some kiwi strawberry juice. I drank the stuff down and noticed a bitter taste, not as bad as ecstasy but definitely tasted pharmaceutical.

11:15- noticed my hands getting clammy. I sat in my room and watched some TV. I read this stuff takes about an hour to kick in.

11:45- fingers start to tingle. My skin is sensitive to touch in a good way. I am liking what I'm feeling.

12:15- as I look at my computer screen I notice the words start to move. I look at a picture of my wife and I and see some wavy distortions. I decide to check out some Luke Brown art which is a good idea. I just stare at his visions for about 15 minutes. I like what I see. I can feel tingling all over my body. Sort of feels like the beginning of ecstasy. This feeling stays throughout.

1:00- Decide to shut off the lights and lay in bed. As I close my eyes I see fractals...nice colorful fractals. Even though my eyes are closed it seems that there is an intense light in my room. It feels like when you look into the sun with your eyes shut. I see intense orange then purple. I open my eyes to make sure there is really no light in my room. There isn't. I close my eyes again wishing to see the same lights, its there and I'm liking it. I am a little restless, so I open my eyes again and look at my room. I get many insights now. Things I would not have thought about are coming to my mind. I realize why my wife does some things, I have other insights about myself and life. I'm a young medical doctor going into psychiatry, so these insights were great for me personally.

3:00- I am pretty restless now. I don't know if I should go to sleep or stay awake. I am not in the mood to turn on the TV or surf the net. I just lay in bed thinking about stuff. The body buzz is still there. I have never done LSD, so I don't know how that is, but people have described 2C-I as a mix of LSD and ecstasy. I can see the ecstasy part but not the LSD.

4:00- Overall I think I like this substance, but think I will not be trying it again anytime soon, but who knows? Its hard trying to sleep. I feel like I might suffocate or drown...that wet feeling I get from Ecstasy is there. I get to sleep finally at about 6. Wake up at 11. The substance is all gone. Feeling normal.

In retrospect motor skills were a bit diminished. My legs felt heavy walking, and even though my thought process was concrete, carrying out my thoughts in the real world proved to be a task. For instance I went downstairs to turn the heat lower, but when I got there it took me 2 minutes to push the down arrow.

Overall I give this a thumbs up. I still think ecstasy is in a class by itself, but 2C-I has its uses.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 76797
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 23, 2010Views: 5,615
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2C-I (172) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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