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A Roller Coaster Ride of Pure Pychedelicacy
Citation:   AceJunction. "A Roller Coaster Ride of Pure Pychedelicacy: An Experience with LSD (exp76842)". Erowid.org. Mar 19, 2018. erowid.org/exp/76842

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The experience I had was totally antithetic from the usual trip or high.

It was a regular school day, and the day before, I bought some weed from a local dealer and two hits of LSD. I smoked one dime bag before and save the other for the next day. I was anxious. I’ve never tried LSD before and I researched assiduously about the substance and its effects two months prior to my trip. I was exited. I’ve tried marijuana plenty of times and every high was a spectacular one. I was going with two of my friends. G and J. Both experienced psychonauts. And I was soon added to the crew of this trip.

It was finally lunchtime and I was one of the first ones out side. It was about 11:20 am. The weather was great, seemed unusual for mid winter weather. Especially for the city of New York. Clear sunny skies, cool breeze, warm air, birds chirping, even the nakedness of the trees of winter brought optimism with great avidity. Waiting for my two friends to come out of the school, two minutes later they appeared with smiles on their face. I could tell they were as exited as I was.

We all got together and started walking to a park not too far from our school. We decided we might as well cut school if we’re going to get high. One of my fellow friends, J is in grade 11, and the other my closest friend G whom I’ve known since 5th grade have been smoking for over a year. J asked me for the blotter tabs I bought the day before. They were about one inch by one-inch squares split in four halves. I decided to take two fourths of the blotter. I gave two to J and the full blotter paper to G who was more experienced. It was then we were getting ready to take off into a realm of consternation. The space of alternate perception that goes beyond all standards of society, the final frontier of the human mind and reality that is filled with galaxies of wonder held together by standards of true psyche. Ready to explore that frontier aboard our ship that is LSD and we are the psychonauts ready to explore this second “space”.

About 6 minutes after I placed the blotter paper under my tongue, I started to feel light headed. G told me to pass him the bag of weed I had brought. Placing my hand in my pocket to reach for it, I start to feel a little fearful. My heart was pounding. I felt it as if it were banging on my chest trying to get my attention as I try ignoring it to avoid panic. I start to feel something similar to a head rush, like I’m going to pass out. I pulled the bag out of my pocket and gave it to G as J started to try to start a conversation with me. I’m thinking to myself maybe he’s feeling the same way. My trip soon changed when my visual experience changed dramatically.

The people passing us by as we walk seemed different. Not human; warped if you will. I began to notice the little hallucinations taking place. People say its like stepping into a Picasso. I describe it more of a Dali or Barbara Brody painting. The ground twisting and warping around the feet stepping on it as if it were made of play-doh. Tall buildings seemed taller and arched over us as we walked in this new realm, trees twisting and swaying with the vivid emotions worn on the faces of the passing pedestrians like theatre masks. Twisting lampposts, getting taller and taller. I began to slip out of my discomfort and began to enjoy the effects of the LSD that was taking place in my head and before my eyes.

I realized my friend G had already finished rolling up the weed. We took a break in a park that was empty and isolated from the pedestrian freeway we got out of and lit the blunt. I was euphoric when I was passed the blunt and immediately took a hit from it. It was a pretty large hit, felt as if the air was the smoke itself. As I exhaled, I felt an immense pressure was being unloaded off of my lungs. As the smoke left my mouth and filled the air, it looked like it was forming a cloud above my head raining compensation upon me, embracing me and welcoming me into new perception. The marijuana started to take effect almost immediately. I took 5 more hits form the blunt before I was done with it and the substances completely consumed me.

Then came the euphoria. The euphoric experience was extreme. My well-being was strong and I felt incredible. My mood came out as vivid as the colors I saw. The shadows of the buildings seemed darker and to rise up off the ground creating implausible but incredible new structures. The sky’s clouds were melting, and seemed liquid like hovering above us. The hallucinations soon began to amplify and the unbelievable became believable. I was sort of freaked out but it was like an emotion tug of war. Every possible emotion pulling me every which way towards it. But happiness won that war because my euphoric state was strong.

We soon stopped at a mc Donald’s to chill. We went upstairs and sat down. There were mirrors on the wall. I looked at myself and saw a stranger. I saw a totally different person staring back at me and wondered what he was thinking, who is this person. I feared the worst. Has LSD slain my ego? I began to think that my soul was replaced with another. That I couldn’t return back to the standard world I usually live in. Without all the hallucinations. I feared that I lost my ability to get sober again. Then the hallucinations took a drastic turn for the worst. As the chairs and tables, light bulbs and decorations on the wall looked back at me, taunting me. I tasted the colored tiles on the wall, and they were bitter, stinging my tongue with hostility.

My friend J looked at me in concern and asked if I was all right. That emotional tug of war came out in my voice. I replied with a two-faced “yes” then began to sit. I was trembling. The racing train of thoughts in my head and my racing heart seemed to compete against each other to the finish line of my composure limit. I started to think I was having a bad trip. I started viewing LSD as a superior being that I have disobeyed and was waiting to punish me with a horrible trip waiting in its wings. Dysphoria hit me like a bomb. I couldn’t take it anymore. I was unconsciously talking to myself. My friend G told me to calm down. I replied with a “How could I when death is just around the corner” I wanted to yell, but I somehow controlled myself not to.

J suggested I listen to music. Then I remembered my iPod. I soon began to calm down and feel a spark of hope setting off my blaze of euphoria again. Looking forward to a musical experience on LSD. I took it out and turned it on. The bright screen projected like a hologram. Like the one you would see in star wars. I was then thinking about the perfect song. Then as I was scrolling I stumbled upon Type-O-Negative and played the song ‘Christian Woman’. The vocals set off a vibe in me that was powerful. I was elated. The word Euphoria lost its meaning, for what I felt was something ineffable. The experience soon felt dreamy. I saw a gorgeous woman that walked up the stairs. She seemed like a goddess, the fantasy type with light piercing around her figure and wind blowing through her hair. Time was slowed to the tempo of the song and perception seemed movie-like. I was captivated within the mood of the song until it was over. I scrolled to Nirvana and listened to my favorite song. It was Aneurysm.

The song was different. It sounded robotic. I remember replaying the whole song over and over. Just to keep it as an asylum from bad tripping again but I eventually stopped and joined in a conversation G and J were having about their trips, hot girls in the school they would sleep with, how hungry they were and such. The conversation was of great depth. I saw my friends in a different way. Like two strangers I knew, but didn’t quite get at times. It was about two hours and forty-five minutes into the trip/high and I was beginning to come down. Although I still had some visual hallucinations that I once again started to enjoy.

On the subway ride home, the LSD finally settled down with the sun. I was a bit buzzed by the weed. I felt as if the remaining effects of the weed were sad, all alone because the effects of the LSD were diminishing. That the weed lost its friend and partner in helping themselves at my sanity, but ended up being a battle I won with a little friend called euphoria. This coaster ride was rough but overall amazing. I’m definitely tripping again.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 76842
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 19, 2018Views: 956
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LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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