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Drinking the Juice
Turbina corymbosa
Citation:   DrinkTrip-CLEAN. "Drinking the Juice: An Experience with Turbina corymbosa (exp76918)". Erowid.org. Feb 18, 2009. erowid.org/exp/76918

1000 seeds   Turbina corymbosa (seeds)
  750 ml   Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
Rivea corymbosa Seeds, the food of the gods, from Inca/Aztec culture...

1st I got ahold of 1000 seeds of Rivea corymbosa AKA: Ololiuqui. 2nd I got ahold of a fifth of EverClear, Vodka or Mescal Tequila will do, or any other alcohol will work, even wine.

3rd I ran the seeds through the coffee grinder till they were powdered. 4th combined in a 1/2 pint jar the powdered seeds first, then covered with alcohol approx 1 inch above the mass of powdered seed. Shake. Let stand.

Next day - shake twice, next day shake twice

By the 3rd day, I began to enjoy the harvest. This recipe made about 25 doses.

This is very clean, although I am told several shamans would use addages to mix with the seeds, (hemia sacafolia), (calea calatechichi) (gaurana) (kola nut) for added bells and whistles.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 76918
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2009Views: 12,260
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Turbina corymbosa (116) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Not Applicable (38)

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