A Trip to the Centre of the Universe
Citation:   Maszki. "A Trip to the Centre of the Universe: An Experience with LSD (exp77000)". Erowid.org. Apr 24, 2020. erowid.org/exp/77000

2.5 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Some background information, I have experienced alcohol, marijuana, DXM, magic mushrooms, salvia divinorum, and this was my fourth LSD trip. I’m 17 years old and because of my interest in psychedelic compounds adhering to my interest biochemistry, I wish to amalgamate the two and become a psychopharmacologist-which deals, in part, in the study, production, and invention of psychedelic drugs. I’m a perfectionist in nearly everything I do, I have a 96% average in school and I have my eyes set on running a marathon.

The trip took place on Sunday, February the 15th, 2009 and we ingested the drug in tab form at 11:20pm. I was planning on simply watching my friends’ trip this time, and just hanging out/taking notes, however, later on I decided to join in as it was the perfect time and place. My friends’ mom was gone the entire night and his house is a comfy/familiar setting. The mood was hopeful, excited, and a little anxious, the guy who sold us the acid said it was very potent, but most dealers say that, so I went ahead and took 2.5 tabs. This was a very bad mistake, and luckily I didn’t have a bad trip.

About 15 minutes later I felt a little strange, and I was very light headed. 30 minutes into it my whole body was tingling and I could feel the effects coming on strong, this was going to be an intense trip.

At 45 minutes into it we put on some Bob Marley, and this is when the visuals started kicking in, acid always hits me fast. The walls seemed ‘alive’ and were growing and shrinking, as if they were breathing. Corners became sharper, and the room took on an almost magical/cartoonish role.

Around 1 hour and 15 minutes into it the effects of LSD greatly accelerated.
Enchantedly, the room would glow bright, powerful, luminescent colours depending on the song, for example: when ‘No Woman No Cry’ came on the room glowed a deep ocean blue, when ‘Three Little Birds’ came on, the room glowed a goldish-green colour, this is when the visual tracers kicked in as well, like when you wave your hand it sort of flashed by slowly, this was an interesting effect.

At the 2 hour mark there were flamboyant and intrinsic kaleidoscopic geometric patterns which were being projected all over the walls, it was truly captivating.

At 2 hours 30 minutes are when the emotional, feeling, and thinking effects came in. I felt this strangely palpable tranquility, a sense that everything was one rapidly advanced on me, and the universe and it’s many mysteries seemed strangely understandable, eternity became clear, and I realised life is short and I don’t need the perfect marks, and I don’t need to go to the perfect university and live the perfect life, I need to work hard, play hard, and pursue the career and life I want-I guess this relates to the ‘Middle Way’ principle in Buddhism.

I’m a pretty prominent INTP according to the Myers Briggs personality types, basically the point I’m attempting to communicate here is that my ‘emotional’ and ‘feeling’ sides are severely underdeveloped. I felt feelings of love, excitement, and ecstasy, on a scale of which I’ve nothing to compare to; words cannot explain the intensity of it.

At 3 and a half hours into the trip time and space completely disintegrated and the laws of logic were replaced with creativity. I had some very strange experiences at this point in ‘time’ with my friends, something I cannot scientifically explain. Disturbingly it was as if we could read each others’ minds, and at a few points we actually shared hallucinations (this shouldn’t be possible, should it?), it’s not like we tried to either, and it was completely random.

The trip started receding at about 4 and a half hours and the next day I was pretty tired and slept most of the day. I have a new sense of peace and creativity in my life, I’m able to associate with others more, and my emotional/feeling side are developing. LSD is a life changing drug, but it is also powerful and should be taken in a good environment, with plenty of time, in a good mindset, and should be respected.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77000
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Apr 24, 2020Views: 745
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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