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Living with an Addict
Citation:   luckyhoney. "Living with an Addict: An Experience with Methaphetamine (exp7703)". Mar 31, 2003.

During a period of approximately 4 months I witnessed a healthy young man transform completely through the use of crank. We lived together in a studio apartment so I was able to see every part of his day. At first it was fun, he could drink a great deal more alcohol without every really becoming drunk and he could go all night..if you know what I mean. But the first signs of a bad development were intense irratibility, rapid weight loss, and paranoia. Soon it wasn't fun anymore. Living with him became a nightmare because of his crazy mood swings and complete self absorbtion. Nothing else mattered except him and the drug. Within a couple of months he became completely unstable and even violent if bothered. Visiting the homes of other users I became completely disgusted by the way crank had ruined so many lives. Women became 'crank-whores' and would perform any sexual act for a single bump, parents neglected their children to such an extent that they would go weeks without a bath or an ordinary meal, homes had roaches crawling over everything like some sick horror movie....and none of this mattered to anyone who was using.

The man I lived with developed a yellow tinge to his skin and eyes (jaundice) and became visably oily in places and dry and scaley in others. He had dark circles under his eyes which were actually sunken back into his skull. You may say that this wouldn't happen to you, but I saw it happen to so many people...It is an incredibly addicting drug and I reccommend not trying it at all because some many addicts said they would try it once...then just one more time..then just once more....I left him and eventually, probably through circumstances beyond his control, he became clean long enough to notice how disgusting he was, and asked for help.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 7703
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 31, 2003Views: 7,493
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Methamphetamine (37) : Second Hand Report (42), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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