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by ST
Citation:   ST. "The New 'MUST HAVE PAIN RELIEVER': An Experience with Oxymorphone (exp77147)". Jun 13, 2019.

40 mg oral Pharms - Oxymorphone (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: Because opiate use can lead to significant tolerance (requiring higher doses for the same effects), the dose used by a first time user is significantly smaller than that used by a regular user. It can be extremely dangerous to choose ones dose on the basis of the amount taken by someone else. Overdoses of opiates can be fatal.]
After receiving a prescription for Opana 40mg ER's, I had no knowledge on how this opiate would react with my body. I figured it would be most similar to Oxycontin. After taking one pill I then realized that I had the new era O.C. I asked a friend to take a bump, probably 2 inches in length by a couple mm's in width. My friend 10 minutes later pulled a wad of cash out and asked how many pills he could receive for $100. Opana is hands down the strongest pill formed opiate that I have personally ever had in my 3 years of experimenting with countless pills. I would rank Opana two times stronger then oxys easily. I sell Opana 40mg ers' and personally I make bank, I also sell the 20mg and 10mgs' as well, and they go like skittles. Opana is spreading through my schools and I'm making it the new 'must have pain reliever'.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 77147
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 13, 2019Views: 2,081
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Pharms - Oxymorphone (221) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Glowing Experiences (4), Not Applicable (38)

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