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Absolute Bliss
Citation:   Audio Terrorist. "Absolute Bliss: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp77208)". Aug 9, 2009.

160 mg oral 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
  160 mg oral 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
  160 mg oral 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
Starting time - 11:25

Mood - Excited, a little tired but overall, happy and ready to go, no anxieties etc. After hearing about this research chemical a couple of months ago and reading numerous experiences, this sounded like it could be the 'perfect' drug for me and I couldn't wait to get my hands on some. I ordered 1g to try it out and excellently it arrived the next morning. MDMA (tested crystal/powder) always gets me feeling really good but I lose all motivation to move/talk or interact with other people at all. I feel great on it, and enjoy seeing other people having a good time, just don't expect me to join in! Mephedrone is supposed to be slightly stimulating which I want, and the empathy which sounds great as this has been slowly dwindling with MDMA over the years sadly.

Stomach: Empty. Nothing eaten in 12+ hours

Prior drug use: 3ml GBL + 3-4 beers 14 hours ago. (Just getting over a slight/mild GBL addiction so I have a tolerance)

T+0:00 - 160mg weighed out (0.001g scales) then wrapped in a Rizla and bombed. (I decided against the nasal route due to people complaining of pain and I'm not in a particular rush to get started, I have all day free). There seems to be a large amount compared to MDMA crystal but this is a very fine
powder so it isn't unexpected. There is a bitter, chemical taste to the powder wiped up from my scales with my finger. Although not as bad as MDMA.

T+0:10 - Fist effects felt. Slightly fuzzy body feeling. Only mild, similar to the first effects of MDMA although none of the bad feelings that I sometimes get yet (Slight nausea, heart speed increase etc)

T+0:15 - Above effects increasing. Getting tingling waves coming over my body from head down to toe now.

T+0:25 - Definite mood elevation. I keep feeling a smile start to pop up.

T+0:27 - I'm into computer music production so I boot up my sequencer.

T+0:30 - Head feels heavy, not in a sleepy way, more like it's put on a couple of pounds. I feel like I'm on the come up of MDMA. Very nice. Increased need to move.

T+0:35 - Fuck, I feel like I've had a good dose of proper good quality MDMA although I'm typing stupidly fast. My brain is racing. I feel like I'm so energized. I feel absolutely amazing. The effects are getting stronger and already it feels better than MDMA!

T+0:40 - New mobile phone has just arrived, I stumbled slightly getting up to answer the door. I now have a new toy to play with. I feel like I could type 1000 words a minute. I'm typing faster than I ever have before and not making a mistake other than the occasional time where I press 2 keys instead of 1. I feel amazing. My peripheral vision keeps wobbling. I feel SO motivated. This really will be an amazing party drug. I'm starting to feel a bit warmer, although not hot so I turn my fire off.

T+0:45 - I just had to count on the clock to get my T+!! I feel as good as I did on my first ever pill. This really is amazing stuff. Legs are tapping even when there is no music. And music appreciation has gone up, I would say on par with MDMA.

T+1:00 - Feels like I've peaked. I feel very similar to my first ever ecstasy pill. Feel a little bit disappointed that I've peaked and am now contemplating trying a little line intranasaly. I say why they say this is like Cocaine. It is VERY moreish. Just checked in the mirror and there doesn't seem to be any pupil dilation.

T+1:10 - effects fading so wet finger dabbed into bag and taken orally. It really does taste pretty bad. It is slightly salty, very bitter with a chemically taste very similar to GBL.

T+1:15 - I'm done with typing now and am going to enjoy the experience so the rest of this report will be retrospective.

Written the day after:

I re-dosed twice, this stuff is very moreish, having around 500mg on this occasion. I had to lock it away after the third dose or I would have carried on re-dosing all day! Even then I had to use lots of will power not to get it out and dose for the fourth time! I have built up quite a strong will power with having to resist GBL to stop my strong psychological/mild physical addiction. I did notice that after each re-dose, the euphoria never got past a certain point, it seemed to peak and then the re-dose just kept it at that level, although the stimulant effects did seems to increase slightly.

I've read quite a few anecdotes about people's hearts really pounding and racing while on Mephedrone, I have to say that I didn't notice any problems although I was sat down for the most part. My resting heart rate was approximately 78bpm at the peak of the third dose. I did have a slight heart palpitation which lasted a couple of seconds about 1hr 20mins after the third
dose but this was no-where near as bad as after amphetamines.

I needed to urinate a lot but I was also drinking quite a lot too
(Non-alcoholic fluids). Unlike on MDMA, I had no problems getting the flow to start although I did notice the teeny, tiny, pilly-willy that I (and many others) get on ampheteamines or MDMA.

The euphoric effects were easily as good as my first ever pill but only seemed to last 35-45 minutes before the desire to redose was felt (very strongly) although the stimulation lasted quite a while afterwards approximately 4-5 hours after the last dose but after the euphoria dwindled, I felt very straight headed. Music didn't sound any better than usual and the world seemed normal. I went to the supermarket and noticed that there seemed to be a LOT of nice looking ladies in there. This may have been due to the Mephedrone, or it may have just been a day that I noticed them. While in the supermarket, the speedy effects started to ware off and I felt pretty scatty (nauseous, drained and generally a little bit shitty) pretty similar to how I feel when I come down on MDMA. When I got home, I took some Nitrazepam and 30-45 minutes later I went to bed. I had 11 hours sleep with vivid and pleasant dreams, although I usually do after a dose of Nitrazepam so that may be nothing to do with the Mephedrone.

I woke up feeling refreshed with an uplifted mood. Usually, the morning after a dose of Nitrazepam I feel a little groggy but not this day. I felt no noticeable hang over at all.

A lot of people have said that Mephedrone smells really bad, like stale urine even, I found the smell rather pleasant. A little bit like buttery mashed potato with a slight chemically hint. I did notice that I could smell it all day. All over me. I had a bath and after a couple of hours, I could smell the Mephedrone again so it seems that it may be partly excreted through the pores.


I believe Mephedrone has overtaken MDMA as my favorite drug. This is something that I never thought possible. The only noticable down side for me was the short duration of action and a binge seems VERY likely if I had a large supply so I'll have to keep the amount I have on me pretty low. The euphoria was amazing, the empathy was great ( I had an overwhelming urge to phone ALL of my friends to have a little chat) and the mild stimulation was perfect, not too much, not too little, just right, making me feel just as comfortable having a little dance in my room as I was sat at the computer listening to music. Also, the price at the moment is a big upside, being about 30-40% cheaper than I pay for my MDMA gram for gram.

I have read some people's thoughts that it *may* be cardiotoxic along with the fact that little to no research has been done on it so I will keep my usage to a minimum (Once or twice a year) which will be about the same frequency as I used MDMA.

Thank you for reading my report, I hope you found it interesting and I hope that some may find it useful.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77208
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 9, 2009Views: 27,390
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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