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Adds an Interesting Kick to Joints
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   Dan Martin Turner. "Adds an Interesting Kick to Joints: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp77301)". Dec 31, 2009.

1 bump insufflated DMT (powder / crystals)
  15 mg smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  25 mg smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Not very experienced yet at all, I have already taken a few psychedelics but as soon as I started learning about DMT I knew that it would keep up to my expectation of what a psychedelic should be. I fear psychedelics but then again am very attracted to them. DMT is an endogenous substance, so I figure it can't be that bad for me.

After two weeks of waiting to get the stuff, one night my mate arrives with 140mg of synthetic DMT. So my friends and I hung around for a while as we were introduced to our new bag'o'skunk and this MD substitute which we found out was meth after we had took it, and of course, the DMT. 2 friends of mine took some, around 30mg each in a glass pipe that was subsequently smashed. I don't think we had put much emphasis on smoking it correctly, and therefore they didn't seem to feel the full effects of it. I, of course, waited until I was alone in my room with the new substance.

I decided to sniff a weeny bit which was very painful, so then decided to just weight out a reasonable first time dose, around 15mg, and put it in a joint. So I smoked it like if it were the last joint I was ever gonna have and had to pass it on fast, and as I subconsciously expected, nothing happened. Sometimes I just find it really difficult to believe in drugs and I believe I have a sort of 'mental barrier' against psychedelics. I started to feel a bit of a buzz so I went to look at my pupils in the mirror, decided my eyes were too dark to make an effort to see them.

From this point I ended up lay down in a generally uncomfortable position trippin' balls. The pillow was a larvae, the duvet which had been made into a lump was melting away, my lamp was a flame that actually heated the tips of my toes which were more proximate to it, and more stuff of the sort, I even saw an upside down dead person rapped up in drapes hanging from side to side from my door. Colours would fluctuate, patterns in objects would spread out of it's boundaries, my vision stretched and pulled at some areas, I always seemed to be missing something abnormal going on at the corner of my eye. Everything that I looked at seemed to have an attributed distorsion to it making it alive in some sort of way. I remember thinking that things, objects, physical spaces were just being playful, trying to entertain me.

By this point I had thought: this is exactly how I expected it to be. I then realized how clear headed I was, in contrast to how it is with other psychedelics such as LSD, which is a constant buzz and blur and tangential strings of thought. The effects were starting to wear off but I waited until it completely wore off to be able to safely disturb the drapes that formed the hanging dead person which I had to avoid looking at beforehand. I now 'believed' in psychedelics.

That was last night. Tonight I was going to have a bigger dose, and decided was going to go to the vending machine outside of my student residence whilst tripping. I didn't decide this for any reason at all. So I smoked my carefully rolled single skin joint with 25mg DMT, MJ and some nice sticky hash. All for nothing because it tasted like DMT which tastes like crap. Half way through smoking I started to feel this high pitch sound rising in frequency. I had read that happens right before you start hallucinating big time. I stubbed out the joint which was nearing the end and didn't have much psychedelic properties left in it, and started to trip, but not enough intense. I want more intense. So I smoke the rest of the joint, it still tastes like plastic so I'm doing good, and go to the vending machine.

I started to get quite paranoid as I felt the high pitch noise again and didn't want to be seen walking around halls like a hallucinating mess. Unfortunately and fortunately, the high pitched noise led to a proper psychedelic ejaculation as flourescent, flashing balls of light appeared everywhere and my whole vision felt and looked like it was pulling towards random, different directions. Now is what I don't understand too well as I look back to what happened a few hours ago with hindsight. By this point, whilst I started trippin hard again I was clinging on to the stairs, and remember this human presence near me and possibly me speaking to it. I think I was tripping so bad, I didn't even recognize the face and look of this person although remember looking at this person thing and wondering why it lacked of a face. It is quite difficult to explain, I believe I was passing out a bit and that is why my memory is not so clear, and also remember lots of things happening at the time.

I then managed to stumble out the door into the rainy courtyard. I was coming down by now. The last thing I tripped that lasted until I reached my room was this visual distortion the wind outside had created. I entered the reception desk afraid of being in a public space where someone could possible approach me for some irrelevant reason, went to the vending machine and kept dropping the coins because everything was swifting towards my front left, slightly above my head. I was moving towards this vortex as well, right until the DMT ceased it's action on me.

I like DMT. I think I understand now what is 'to trip'. Consequently, I realise now that only someone who has had a proper psychedelic experience could approach understanding individual experiences like the one I have written now. I think it is very difficult to detach from the idea that with psychedelics, you see things that aren't there and see things happening that aren't happening. Psychedelics definitely give me more perspective, individuality and personal understanding. Moreover, it opens many different, new and interesting pathways to self exploration. Although I have to admit that for now, I am not really caring about all this but about how fuckin amazing these drugs are.

and I have still to take a full dosage.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77301
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 31, 2009Views: 8,689
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