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I Needed a Familiar Face
Citation:   Chech. "I Needed a Familiar Face: An Experience with MDMA (exp77343)". Jul 17, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:00   oral MDMA
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis
I last took MDMA on Halloween at a house party. Truth be told, the night so far had not set up for a good psychedelic experience. My brother had some stuff knicked, my sister had got into a fight and a few people had been thrown out. To top it all I had just lost my job a few hours earlier. You would expect a bad trip right? Not a chance. I'd had quite a few beers and a few spliffs too but wasn't really feeling the effect that hard.

Anyway, I finally got my hands on some MDMA (only my second time at taking it) and I bombed it down. As the effects slowly crept up on me, more shit went down at the party and a few more people got kicked out and more shit stolen (not really my kind of people at that party). I got one hell of a kick trying to hide that I was on MDMA from my sister who said she would butcher me if I took anything like that.

After about half an hour I was really feeling it. Stroking the less violent people around me and staring. About an hour after I started to feel it, I smoked a bit more weed (not alot, just a few tokes of the odd joint) and then went to sit on the sofa as all of my friends had either passed out or left.

I was in the room with the sound system and there was some truly fucked music playing. I was staring at a fake spider in some fake webbing who was walking on the spot in the time to the music. When the music became darker, the spider seemed to feel pain. It was amazing (if not slightly malicious). I looked down and saw another fake spider in a cave of webbing playing the air synths and watched them both for what seemed like a decade.

I spent hours looking around the room and watching the shapes become living things.
I spent hours looking around the room and watching the shapes become living things.
Whole walls changed. In the end though, the come down was inevitable. I started to feel tired but too paranoid to fall asleep. I was still seeing things. Less subtle and slightly less enjoyable (good non the less). My euphoria was still whole present but with a darker twinge (I had drank no water, only swilled it around my mouth to stave off the cotton mouth and so not to have my brain swell and result in me being dead) and I started to think that I if I didn't drink water I might just die. I dismissed this thought several times until I felt so unsecure that I needed a familiar face.

I made up way up stairs, eyes twitching, contrasting emotions of crippling fear, nostalgia and a sense of peculiar happiness. Once I saw my best friend and my brother sitting in a room together, I felt so safe. I lay down with my head rested on a bin bag full of cloths covered in sick (wish I'd known that before I got comfy).

Once I had got over the initial fear and paranoia by seeing a familiar face, my come down was a lot more gradual and felt more just like I had been awake for 24 hours (which I had). The worst part of the cotton mouth. Still too afraid to drink much water.

It was many hours later before my pupils were no longer dilated and the strange, undefinable (yet almost enjoyable) physical sensations had subsided completely.

When I finally arrived home I spend the next 16 hours asleep and woke up the next day completely recovered.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 77343
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 17, 2020Views: 611
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MDMA (3) : Large Group (10+) (19), General (1)

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