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A Late Winter's Trip
Citation:   Orcninu. "A Late Winter's Trip: An Experience with 2C-E (exp77353)". Jan 9, 2010.

13.5 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
I ingested 12-15mg of 2ce orally.

I dumped the fluffy, flaky white powder onto some jackasses business card, folded it in half and held it in the air, above my face, angling the card so that it dropped down onto my tongue. Not much of a noticeable taste, washed it down with some water. Then I chilled for awhile. I don't remember exactly what I did, I probably used my computer.

After awhile I began to feel the 2ce come on. The come up was a little rough, but nothing out of hand (no vomiting). At first I amused myself with my computer, but then, once I could really feel it -this became pointless. I went and laid down to think, as I usually do for long periods of time when tripping by myself. I thought alot about my life, and about the people, and situations in my present life. At it's strongest, I noticed that surfaces were breathing with my eyes open.

This dose seemed to be just about right for me at this moment, becuase I was testing the substance on myself for the first time. I didn't want it to be too strong, but I didn't want it to be boringly weak either, go figure. Luckily, I hit the nail on the head with the dosing. After laying down for probably a few hours thinking (in a bed and a big foam bag), I ventured out into the living room.

I had fleeting thoughts of smoking herb here and there (I had smoked on the come up), but each time I realized there was no point as the 2ce was so strong. I also had part of a pack of cigarettes (I used to smoke), because every once in awhile I like one during or after a long night's trip, but not this time. When in the living room, I closed my eyes and just felt and thought, standing there in the brightly lit, large living room. I felt like I could see with my eyes closed. I walked around a little bit with my eyes closed, but then I started to feel like I was messing with things I didn't want to mess with (like seeing through walls and wierd cult stuff, or potentially frightening spirit-world stuff), at least while completely alone and tripping. So I opened my eyes and went and did something else, probably writhed on the floor alone, thinking.

I did get alternately hot and cold during the experience. I could tell I was very cold and I thought to myself, 'it must be in the low 60's in here'. I was surprised when I went to the thermostat and found it was like 76. I alternated between wearing my jacket (I was inside the whole time) for small periods because I was cold, and taking it off because I was too warm from wearing it (it would warm me up pretty quickly). I also got some jaw clenching, I'm pretty experienced with fighting off jaw clenching, and when I noticed it I forced my jaw muscles to unclench and go slack, and I focused on keeping them that way.

After a long time (t+6-7 hours), I finally came down enough to feel like maybe I could smoke out. I went to my smoke area and got my smoke on, smoking a bowl or two. Once I came inside and laid down, I realized what I had to do. I shut off the lights and put on my head phones. I put on Rabbit in the Moon - OBE, and dove into the visions. I remember thinking 'damn this is some old school' --whatever that really means. I saw many visions and patterns, not too intense, but very visible and powerful. All of a sudden, at a point in the song where it makes a noise kind of like 'whoowabeep', a young girl appeared in front of me, in vivid 3 dimensional detail. She waved and gave me a smile. When she disappeared my visions evaporated into large, sun-spotty type residual images of her head shape.

Usually when I'm tripping and I see something in such vivid 3 dimensional detail, I'm tripping really hard on a substance. Like one time when I took DPT and was punched into other places that were as real as the room I'm in now. I had snorted a large rail and I could tell I was going to trip really hard, and then I did. This was surprising in that, out of a sea of clear, strong, but not extremely intense visions while I listened to music on the tail end of my 2ce trip, a 3 dimensional being burst forth as if peeking out at me (if someones entire body can 'peek' at once), and waved cutely. Her whole presence was very cute, and left me with a good feeling inside as well as a sense of something, maybe it was wonder...

I went to sleep at t+7-8 hours. When laying in bed getting to sleep, the dark had the potential to be frightening, as it was kind of swirling and just seemed spiritually spooky, like entities coming at me. While I recognized this aversive or fearful thought or feeling's existence within myself, I chose not to give it any play and cut it off. I've been in extremely paranoid mental spaces when tripping before and I am fairly good at not giving in to The Fear. Maybe someday I'll be able to embrace paranoia and fear in some way, maybe that's what The Fear is all about. At any rate, during this trip it was relatively easy to stave off the Paranoia / Fear and keep it on a relatively positive vibe. I got to sleep ok, and I think I slept pretty well. I slept most of the day, and when I woke up I felt a little different but not much. The whole experience had a kind of clarity to it, even the after effects and day after effects.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 77353
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 9, 2010Views: 6,104
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2C-E (137) : Music Discussion (22), Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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