Effects, but Thick Smoke
Nutmeg (smoked)
by RM
Citation:   RM. "Effects, but Thick Smoke: An Experience with Nutmeg (smoked) (exp7745)". Erowid.org. Jun 29, 2001. erowid.org/exp/7745

2 bowls smoked Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
Boring nights, no weed, and a new water pipe to test out led me back to trying nutmeg again.

[I tried eating nutmeg before, about 3 tbsp of it, no effects other than a mild 'swimmy' feeling but the nutmeg was probably very old.]

This time I decided to try to smoke the stuff. I took 1/2 a nut and grated it on a cheese grater. I started to smoke the nutmeg and felt the effects almost instantly. My head and arms went numb and I laughed very easily, not unlike cannabis only with out the puffy eyes and 'munchies'. The feeling persisted throughout the second bowl and the next 1 1/2 - 2 hours. The nutmeg was of course old so stronger effects could be stronger with a fresher specimen. Overall, I might use it more if it wasn't for the strong, thick smoke (water pipes only) which left my teeth filmy and the fact that the stuff might be toxic in large amounts.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7745
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 29, 2001Views: 6,831
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