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Subtle but Pleasing
Citation:   Dr. Demento. "Subtle but Pleasing: An Experience with Damiana (exp77487)". May 4, 2018.

1 bowl smoked Damiana (dried)
I bought some Damiana at a funky little herb shop in beautiful little mountain town, with the suggestion it would give 'insight.'

Smoking damiana from a pipe, in the exact same manner as one would smoke tobacco, has a similar calming effect. Damiana is considerably less likely to cause GI upset such as nausea. But it is also quite a bit less stimulating. Nicotine seems to reduce anxiety but improve clarity (which is why it's one of my favorite drugs). The damiana does seem calming but it does not seem stimulating.

I've seen that it is frequently compared with cannabis. I feel it is somewhat more valid to compare it to nicotine. It absolutely does not make me 'stoned.' I find it to be nothing like cannabis.

Whether the calming effect is due to the act of smoking itself (there is something to be said for orality) or due to a psychoactive substance in the damiana is unclear. It is a very pleasant smoke, with a smell that I find appealingly like incense.

Me, I truly feel there is something there, the world gets just a little bit of psychedelic 'sparkle' which is especially noticeable when looking at the sky. I think I might grow to like damiana as much as I like tobacco, albeit for different reasons. Like nicotine, the effect is subtle but pleasing.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77487
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 4, 2018Views: 1,278
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