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Not Weird, but Highly Unusual...
Citation:   Mucky. "Not Weird, but Highly Unusual...: An Experience with DMT (exp77550)". Erowid.org. Dec 31, 2009. erowid.org/exp/77550

3 hits smoked DMT
It was an overcast Saturday afternoon. After using up all of the freeze-precipitated crystals, I decided to try a breakthrough on the evaporated stuff. Sat down in a comfy IKEA chair, you know the one 'poang'. I prepared three doses that I eyeballed at around 30-50mgs each. I had a lady friend assist me with the loading of 'the machine' after my first rip. I got into the second hit fine, intent on a third. She assisted me in lighting the third because I was already losing coordination.

Before I post what I saw I'd like to comment on the nature of the typical description of a DMT experience. As all spicers know words fail in attempting to quantify what one may see during a trip. Terence McKenna used such simple wording. This disturbs me, I think that more thoughtful language could benefit newbs to the substance. The following is the best that I can do at the moment, keep in mind that everything from here on out will be scintillating with moving colors. Flashing and receding.

1 hit in: Enhancement of patterns in surfaces. Wood especially. The grains flow with golden hues reminiscent of a model of electrons moving through a wire. The depth of the carpet has increased to about six inches. It looks like a slowly moving brook is flowing over the top. This shallow stream is packed with swimming shapes that move like snakes.

2 hits in: Carpet depth increases two fold. The tie-dye wall hangings are beginning to get interesting. They remind me of suns radiating energy. Coronas of flame wisp about. Things seem to have remarkable depth. Not just away from me, but towards me. Highly unusual, but now what I'd call weird.

3 hits in: I hold my breath and here I am again (eyes closed). I've been here before on my first ever experience. It's a little bit dark and hard to see. Know those enormous egyptian scupltures with pharaohs seated with their feet together? There's probably five of those, but I can only see from the waist down. To the right, a larger darker figure is present. Not threatening. They're composed of a diamond checkerboard pattern. Constantly moving patterns of pinks and black black.

My camera is pulling back and moving around, as if I was doing figure-8 backflips through the air.

Bang, here we are again. Diamond shaped flowing checkerboards of colors that I've rarely ever seen. The blues and yellows. Crazy geometric patterns and mandalas manifesting before me. Pretty sure there was a swastika of arms in there. My inner vision is surrounded by things. I hesitate to use the term elves, imps, or anything like that. Even entities seems too strong a word. The larger darker one is there too. I'm pretty sure that's my representation of self. There is a demonstration. Some magnificent multi-dimensional toy. Ever seem the last mimzy? It was kinda like that. Not the bunny the other thing.

We're still in diamond checkerboard land. Then there were the gears. An infinity of gears intermeshed and turning away. Beautiful.

This all happened over the course of five minutes. I open my eyes. The tie-dye is blasting energy at me. They look like galaxies forming, rainbows surround everything. My vision has a slight delay to it. As I look around, various things in the room echo in my sight. My hands looks all fuzzy/patterny/rainbowy. The air is thick with faces disappearing as fast as they appear, swarming and morphing around. I remain like this for about a minute then call for my friend. I think I'm almost all the way back. She comes in and I'm clearly still where one would be if they got one rockstar hit. Can't describe things yet, still way too off center. After a little while, I'm capable of discussing my experience. I relay what I can and she asks questions.

Five hours later, I'm in a pretty shitty mood. Whatever, it'll pass. Probably because I just grabbed my pineal gland with a pair of vice-grips(tm) and twisted the hell out of it.

Fear is not a part of the equation here for me since I am an experienced tripper. My mind remains so clear. It's like driving go-karts. I experience slight anxiety before a hit, but once it's in I'm like 'OK, bring it the fuck on!'

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77550
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 31, 2009Views: 10,526
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DMT (18) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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