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It Made Me Think Differently
Citation:   PuraVida. "It Made Me Think Differently: An Experience with Cannabis (exp77814)". Oct 10, 2017.

  smoked Cannabis
First of all, I think marijuana should be considered the 'King of all Drugs' due to its mostly non-toxic and generally safe nature. To get intoxicated in this life, I feel I can choose nothing better or safer than marijuana, and I say this also in comparison to alcohol. BUT ALSO-- Be aware-- I have some warnings for teenage users. I am 29 now.

I first tried marijuana at age 15. I had a good friend, my best friend... who had generally the same attitude that I did about life. We just wanted to try it... and eventually our attitude became that we just wanted to get 'fucked up.'

Unlike my experience with drugs such as LSD (and alcohol), I have never in my life had a 'horrible' experience with marijuana. And I have used it approximately 2,000 times, maybe more. Depending on who you are and what weed you get, the experiences can vary greatly. But overall, I've had fun times, hilarious times, relaxing times... Sometimes, nervous times (when I would drive on too much).

I used this drug heavily, almost everyday when I was in high school. I used it basically 24 hours a day. From age 16-19, I probably smoked it about 350 days out of a year.

Even though I think this is THE best intoxicant on the planet... I definitely DEFINITELY regret using it as a teen. It took me until age 28 to realize that I totally ruined my life and my education by choosing to smoke marijuana when I was 15.

It literally took me about 13 years to realize the damage that I did to my education and ultimately, my life, from perpetually using this drug. The problem lies within the time that I used it at. No teenager will ever believe that the notoriously 'safe' drug, marijuana, could possibly mess up your life. How could it? We all know it's safe and harmless, right?

Well, that's true, in many respects. But the thing is... It made me more introverted and less interested in whatever I were interested in before. It made me think differently. It made it hard to focus. It made me feel more 'against' things like adults, parents, society, school....

At age 29... and like I said, I smoked weed almost every day of my life as a teen... I now see how much this led to the complete ruin of my life. These things can and will really mess up your life if you do it too much when you are young.

Once I got into my 20's, I realized that there is only one thing that makes this world go around. Only one thing. And that thing is MONEY. No matter how I get it, I will never escape the fact that money makes the world go 'round. It will make you or break you.

The reason I say this is...... Education IS really a lot more important than I ever thought it was as a teen. I learned this the hard way.

I never believed all of those crazy drug ads. They ARE crazy. They present the message in the wrong way. But that's why I am writing this. I'm not here to say that marijuana is all wrong. But I am telling you from almost 15 years experience..... Focusing on the real world and my education would have gotten me MUCH much further than smoking pot everyday.

I totally support legalizing marijuana or at least relaxing the law a bit. I don't think people should drive under heavy influence, just like with alcohol.

If you are under 18, or even under 21-- Please hear me out-- I know I sound like your parents but.... I'm just a young adult... Marijuana is great. But don't let it be a priority in your life. If you put your education and your future aside, you will find yourself in my position at age 29, trying to 'catch up.'

Final words: Marijuana is absolutely great. But if you are young, do not make it your life. Use it now and then if you want but try to get a good education so you can be a happy and powerful adult, instead of someone involved in the drug life.

Yes, I've been arrested several times over this... Don't do it. Don't drive with it. If you do it, keep it private and away from the public. Do not keep it in your car. Do not operate a car with it or under the influence. You could end up like I did... in jail.

Exp Year: 1995ExpID: 77814
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Oct 10, 2017Views: 1,129
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Cannabis (1) : Various (28), Post Trip Problems (8), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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