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Great First Experience
2C-P, Nitrous Oxide & DMT
by Wub
Citation:   Wub. "Great First Experience: An Experience with 2C-P, Nitrous Oxide & DMT (exp77973)". Jan 27, 2010.

T+ 0:00
10 mg insufflated 2C-P (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 20 mg smoked DMT  
  T+ 2:00   carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide  
Executive Summary at the end of this report for the lazy and/or hurried.

20/M/Austin, TX. Experienced in LSD, MDMA, Psilocybin, DMT, 2C-I, etc. I am a calm and collected person, and have never flipped out on psychedelics.

Set: I was in a good mood, calm, with no lingering or hidden anxiety. My girlfriend and I were happy and cuddly, despite the fact that there was only enough 2C-P for me. I had not used psychedelics other than DMT in about 10 weeks, and felt a desire for a day-long psychedelic experience, which motivated me to use the 2C-P.

Setting: The apartment I share with my girlfriend, and surrounding areas.

Preparations: Made sure I had nothing to do and that my girlfriend was cool trip-sitting me. Checked that there were no issues between us. Cleaned the apartment and read everything I possibly could about 2C-P online.

Then I pulled out the the bag labeled “2C-P 10mg” and snorted the whole thing. I did this because other reports mentioned a 2-3 hour comeup, and it was already 5pm. Additionally, other friends who had done it reported it to be less intense than expected, and I have a lot of psychedelic experience, so I thought I would be able to handle it.

My nose started to burn shortly afterwards, and my eyes began to water profusely. I would recommend snorting this stuff in a few small lines, spaced out by ten minutes or so, but the burn is nothing one can’t deal with, and goes away fast. The visuals began almost immediately, with Persian carpets undulating on every surface. Snorting definitely shortens the comeup, and I found it invigorating.

I smoked a bowl of cannabis, and then my girlfriend and I went out for a drive (she was driving, as I was tripping). It was a gorgeous day, so I can’t tell how much of the beauty was due to the 2C-P (and possibly cannabis – other have mentioned weed enhances the visuals). Nonetheless, this was the most beautiful drive I’d ever experienced. The visuals were primarily Persian carpets and some color enhancement, with everything having a slight purple tinge. The visuals weren’t spectacular, but they were beautiful.

The mental state was excellent. I think about things (society, the socially-constructed self, etc) constantly, and I felt as though I had increased insight, better conversational abilities, and was in a great mood. If pressed, I would say this stuff feels like MDMA and LSD combined, but without any speedy element (I’m very susceptible to uppers). Musical enhancement is less than with some other drugs, but music was still enjoyable.

We came home, and I did some nitrous and smoked some DMT (~20mg). Both of these increased the visual aspects of the 2C-P, but didn’t significantly alter the trip otherwise.

I was able to fall asleep pretty easily around 3am or so. Snorting leads to a shorter and more tractable experience, in my opinion. 16mg of this stuff is a “definite overdose” according to Shulgin and others, so obviously do not snort (or parachute, or anything) that much).

Overall, a great day and an enjoyable drug. The trip was primarily characterized by its lucid insightfulness and pleasant visuals. If I ever do this again, I’d probably snort 12mg, as I feel I can handle that now.

Executive Summary:

- All psychedelic disclaimers apply (don’t do it while drunk at 3am)
- All 2C-* disclaimers apply (5mg can be the difference between a head trip and a hospital trip)
- Pretty visuals, though not spectacular. I recommend cannabis and nitrous in addition.
- GREAT lucid headspace, lots of insight, conversation easy and flowing
- Little body load

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77973
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 27, 2010Views: 12,170
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2C-P (305), Nitrous Oxide (40), DMT (18) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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