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Acid Coke
DMT & Alcohol
Citation:   *Squeam*. "Acid Coke: An Experience with DMT & Alcohol (exp78062)". May 21, 2010.

  oral Alcohol (liquid)
  3 bowls smoked DMT (tar / resin)
It was my birthday party; I was drinking waiting for my friend to come over with what he only described as “a trippy present.” I expected magic mushrooms or acid at best but when he took me to my room locked the door and told me he got a hold of DMT my heart started to race.

“Am I ready?”

He unwrapped it and showed me the goods, it looked like a mix between hashish and resin as for as consistency, but it was a maroon red/brown color. He rolled little bits into a ball and put it into his pipe, told me not to let it burn and where to hold the flame, and pull until I felt weird.

I put the flame where I thought was the right place and let the substance bubble for a few seconds, it took about 10 seconds of inhaling before I felt something. I took the pipe from my lips and held in the “smoke.” It felt like my brain swelled and it became increasingly uncomfortable to keep my eyes open. I exhaled and dropped to my knees staring at the carpet. If life is 3-d, during the next 10-15 seconds my room felt like it was 4-d. I than fully submitted and dropped to my stomach and closed my eyes, immediately seeing the most gorgeous psychedelic, geometric patterns. Completely resembling the works of Alex Grey, yet at the time it didn’t occur to me. Actually nothing occurred to me during the five minutes of intense closed eye visuals. I didn’t feel my body, nor was I aware of it. I was unaware of time and space, there was only the hallucinations, perfect arches and crossing lines with eyes in the intersections. The whole time it didn’t feel like something was “happening” to me but more accurately, some higher being was communicating to me, I knew the eyes were watching me, and I felt so safe, nothing bad was allowed to happen to me and I knew it. The colors were all warm, no blues/blacks etc.

Afterwards I felt it was ok to open my eyes again and just laid there wondering how it was possible for a human being to experience that on an endogenous chemical. At this point my friend knocks on my door, he was there for my party but his girlfriend/baby momma was giving him a real hard time. He just needed someone to talk to and was scared to see me on the floor spitting onto my carpet because I didn’t feel like swallowing. It was hard to recall everything that happened, it was like a dream.
I told my friend “dude you wanna try this. No you HAVE to try this.” At first he was nervous at my reaction to the drug, but he trusted me and gave in. His first hit produced a confused look on his face, but no disorienting psychedelic effects. “Try it again.” Second hit he rips it hard and I tell him to close his eyes, he does and than opens them and looks completely disoriented, looking around my room as if he didn’t understand the concept of the walls that surrounded him. Later when we were all sharing our trips he told me he had fun with his eyes closed but when he opened them the experience became similar to acid, drawings on my walls coming out and dancing around, shifting, etc.

Time for hit number two, “Don’t kill this bowl,” I was told. So this time I take it easy, hold it in and exhale, I’m sitting Indian style so I let myself fall back onto the floor and wait. But nothing happens. Physically, it was the same experience, an intense body rush unlike anything I’ve ever felt before (though I was pretty drunk so not sure how much was the alcohol and how much was the DMT), but psychologically there was nothing, no bright colors no patterns, no “communication” with some higher form as I felt the first time.

I ask my friend “One more time but I want to trip like I did the first time.” He loaded another bowl (mind you he paid $200 for a gram of this stuff if that says anything about our friendship haha) and I ripped it even harder than the first, and there it was again, I fell backward into my brain and laid there, mouth open, eyes closed, reminding myself to inhale and exhale but not knowing if either was actually happening. There they were again, the eyes of god itself, I knew it. At that point there were absolutely no negative sensations, I only felt love and security, as if god were cradling me in its arms and giving me the gift of alpha and omega. No fear or anxiety that often accompanies magic mushrooms or acid. No feeling of “what the fuck is happening to me!!!!!” or “when is this going to be over!!!!!” that comes with 600-700mg DXM trips. I wanted whatever was happening to go on forever, if I died right than and there I would not have cared. I felt so good after the trip subsided that I started to laugh, like a little kid, I had the giggles and couldn’t control it.

“Ok it’s safe to open those peepers.”

It was more of an instruction from god than a feeling that came from me. After my experience, all of my previous experiences, everything I learned, my accumulated psyche, felt dwarfed by what I just went through. It was a very “grounding” experience there is no room for self righteousness. As if the god I felt knocked me off of my human high horse by showing me what there really is to experience.
I opened my eyes and there were lingering psychedelic effects similar to those experienced on magic mushrooms, the shadows on my “popcorn” ceiling (you know, that stuff that gets all over if you rub your hand over it?) made my ceiling look like the universe and the little “popcorns” were stars, planets, suns, all different sizes so the effect was dead on. On top of that they were moving around. I stared at my ceiling until the feeling subsided, too scared to move should the sensation leave me prematurely. I was vaguely aware of my bodily desires, the need for a cigarette, thirst, sexual energy I wanted to get rid of as soon as possible. None of it mattered; all I needed was right with me. I feel that I will never again see the world exactly the same.

Before we started I was worried that I was too tired and drunk to have a good trip, my friend was worried he had too much on his mind to have a good enjoyable trip. The thing is, I feel it is impossible to have a bad trip with DMT. Once I exhaled I was completely taken over and it’s as if nothing else could fit inside my awareness but the psychedelic effects. I could never “prepare myself” for this trip, it was a matter of taking a running jump off of the cliff and knowing that there is water at the bottom. And holy shit was it a rush when I splashed into safety, the “water,” I found, was the perfect temperature, tasted great to drink, there were beautiful plant and animal life to take a look at when I was underwater, and than I popped back out of the water completely refreshed, ready to climb back up the rock and do it again.

I called this article 'Acid Coke' because that is really the best way to describe it, the most powerful experience that only lasts 10-15 minutes and than your ready for more.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78062
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 21, 2010Views: 7,883
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), General (1), Large Group (10+) (19)

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