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A Study Abroad
Citation:   Kashgemini. "A Study Abroad: An Experience with Pentazocine (exp78090)". Jul 26, 2018.

  smoked Pentazocine (liquid)
In 2004 I was living abroad under sunny skies to pursue my narcotics vocation. Having moved to a new area to detox a huge heroin habit, I knew nobody to score from when impelled to relapse. Hoping to obtain under-the-counter buprenorphine, I was instead offered pentazocine in 2 ml ampoule form. This synthetic narcotic was unknown to me, despite 15 years’ dedicated opiate experience.

My veins are so damaged that injecting a 2 ml ampoule is very hard. So I began a process of boiling down 2 ampoules in a spoon until the water is almost gone and only a blob of white lactate remains. This to be transferred to foil, heated, ‘chased’ with foil pipe and inhaled, a la dragon of fame. My habit soon became 3 tokes: 6 ampoules = 12 ml per dose/session. Repeated every 4 hours, with a little extra at night...thus I was up to 40 ampoules a day, way over the advised limit.

However, the effects of pentazocine are quite uninspiring. I would describe the initial effect as a sidereal, spacey buzz; hissy and disorienting. Some uninspiring C.E.V.’s; no real comfort, warmth or somnolence. All in all, a distinctly poor and distant relation to diamorphine. Indeed once I had a source of good and cheap Number 4 I totally ignored pentazocine, especially as it is a partial opioid antagonist, like buprenorphine.

I judge pentazocine a lame option for the connoisseur of narcotics.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 78090
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 26, 2018Views: 2,325
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Pentazocine (865) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11), First Times (2), General (1)

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