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I Was Aware of My Third Eye
Citation:   Rockwitch. "I Was Aware of My Third Eye: An Experience with Damiana (exp78298)". Jan 10, 2018.

2 cups oral Damiana (tea)
I was visiting New York for a long weekend and experiencing some jetlag and disrupted sleep. I went to a gig and then a club and had a few beers, but was careful not to get drunk. At about 2 o’clock AM I travelled to a friend’s apartment and had a cup of Damiana tea. My friend was smoking pot but I didn’t have any. About half an hour after finishing my first cup of tea, I had a second (two cups of tea over a couple of hours).

The mood between us was focused and relaxed. We were talking with each other intently, and I felt a great deal of fascination for him and what he was saying. I felt myself switch into a mode of observation that might be described as insightful study. His every gesture, look and word seemed significant, and rich with meaning.

We embraced and held each other, and I closed my eyes. Immediately I was aware of my third eye being very open and active. The colours were not as vivid and rich as those seen when on psilocybin or LSD; they were more gentle, and seemed glassy. With closed eyes, I “looked” at my friend with my third eye and I could see his energy matrix, his energetic form. As he spoke and told stories, I could see his energy changing, reflecting and illustrating the things of which he spoke. When he was still and quiet, I could see the mood of his thinking. As his thoughts subsided, I could see his energy becoming more quiet. I asked him questions so as to “rev up” his energy matrix again: watching the colours and the movement was delightful.

This third eye experience persisted while I was awake. Sleep was deep and serene, no dreams. I woke feeling happy and rested, open-hearted and curious about the day ahead.

I have since tried to re-create this experience, but without success.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 78298
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2018Views: 3,814
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Damiana (107) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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