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Secret Fun
Zolpidem (Stilnoct)
Citation:   Marie. "Secret Fun: An Experience with Zolpidem (Stilnoct) (exp78484)". Jan 3, 2016.

  repeated oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
Having been prescribed zolpidem for insomnia, I discovered the fun I could have with it completely by accident. I had taken my ususal dose of 10mg before bed one night, I decided I would watch some tv while I waited for it to work. I wasn't in a great state of mind as a relative had died very recently and the funeral was taking place that week. I had a lot on my mind, and so it was fairly easy for me to fight the oncoming sleepiness.

So, this was the night I first discovered how I could use zolpidem recreationally - I wasn't very clued in on meds at the time to be honest. I had a fine, if slightly unsettling experience; I felt a lot of wierd sensations, like I was being picked up and carried around my bedroom, only to be flung back on to my bed. I also encountered very strong aural hallucinations, and spoke back to the voices I heard. The room did start to wobble a bit, and my bookshelves and closet doors started to move and morph into strange shapes. But it was fine. I remember reaching for my phone to ring a friend and tell them about this, but the phone, despite being square in shape and looking square, felt circular or spherical, and I think that threw me a little. Then other things started to throw me - I remember looking at my left arm and hand, and thinking 'what the hell are these things?' and I prodded them for a good few minutes until I realised what I was doing and what they were. I reckoned that a few minutes later, I fell asleep. But there are texts in the outbox of my phone that were sent a half hour later, so obviously things got too hazy somewhere along the way. All in all, a very nice, pleasant, dreamy time was had.

After this pretty pleasant experience, I decided I would let myself use zolpidem recreationally every so often. I would up my dose by maybe 5 or 10 mg and stay awake. The other nights I would just take the prescribed dosage as required, or not take zolpidem but take a few Xanax instead.

I began to use it fairly regularly at college, where I would take the 15mg late in the evening, sometimes going for a shower, because I found that the water felt especially nice while I was on the zolpidem (I now realise it was probably dangerous to take sleeping tablets and go for a shower - I could have slipped and hurt myself quite badly) and stay awake listening to music and generally having a nice time. Once or twice things did get a little scary where I'd get frightened to the extent that I would shut my eyes very tightly and hope sleep would take over. But ususally, it was fine.

I share a room now, and so my zolpidem nights have to be kept secret from my room-mate, mainly as I find it more fun when it's secret! The last time (quite recently) I took roughly 15mg (1 and 1/2 approx of the white tablets - kind of hard to be precise because theyre film-coated and hard to break evenly) and found it pretty easy to stay awake, listening to music and watching some nice visuals. It was really pleasant. I decided to have a little lie down after a while, and again the auditory hallucinations returned, which I was quite glad of because I kind of missed them. I know that my room-mate came in at some point and we had a fairly bizzare conversation - there were probably about 30 different conversations going on in my mind. The lights from outide made really nice dancing patterns on the wall and for a little while the experience became mildly psychedelic. The other half of the halved tablet was gone in the morning, so I believe I took it at some point in the night, and therefore would round that dosage off to 20mg. Not something I would do very often.

All in all, a little zolpidem fun every now and then has been a good experience for me. I just don't do it that often now as its getting harder to get a prescription!:)

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 78484
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2016Views: 2,373
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Hospital (36)

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