Almost drunk
Citation:   Jacks. "Almost drunk: An Experience with Kava (exp78504)". May 9, 2009.

2 Tbsp oral Kava (rootbark)
I started chewing little finger-fulls of kava throughout an hour’s time. I chewed each dose until the bark was flavorless. My arms began to feel a little itchy soon after taking the first few doses but it was a bearable agitation. I felt calm no more than 30 minutes after the first dose.

Right now, two hours later, I'm feeling very calm, relaxed, warm and a little heavy-headed almost as if I were drunk but my mind is clear. I also noticed a few visual distortions, almost like my brain is a little too quick for my eyes and ears or vice versa, kind of like how you are when I'm drunk. My stomach is a little off but I'm not nauseous. I'll see how my sleep goes. So far this is much more pleasant than alcohol, which usually make me sick and makes me urinate a lot LOL.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78504
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 9, 2009Views: 6,385
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