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Mr. Dimitri Came to Town
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   cornrizzle. "Mr. Dimitri Came to Town: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp78509)". Erowid.org. Oct 13, 2015. erowid.org/exp/78509

33 mg vaporized DMT
    smoked Cannabis
It started out a normal day and I was looking for uncle cid. I called my guy up and he said he didn't have any but DMT was around. Well, because of my financial situation I could not afford it and had to pass.

I was upset, but I knew it was cool because you cannot go looking for DMT, DMT had to find you, so I was patient.

Later that day my friend stopped by the apartment I was hanging out at and mentioned to me he had a tenth. I though this was DMT's way of finding me. He was never really into to tripping. I saw him freakout on acid and thought to myself he could not handle it. I knew he was really into videogames and offered him a couple of xbox games in exchange for it.

He agreed and I called up my friends D and J. They were thrilled and arranged a little bonfire that night.

We waited until it got dark and made a fire in the woods behind my friend's house. As j was packing the pipe with cannabis I was getting ready for the experience. He handed me the pipe and I put some of the DMT on top. I took a deep breath to prepare and ripped it long and hard then handed it to j. A few moments went by and I let the rubber tasting smoke out of my lungs.

Instantly I was overcome with a rush as if falling on a rollercoaster. I could hear a crackling, not from the fire but as though I could hear myself breaking through to the 4th dimension. Just as that happened I looked at my hand and it was slowly decaying as though my physical body no longer mattered, as if from that point on the only thing that was eternal was my spirit.

After what seemed like eternity I slowly started to come back and and when I was back in this realm I looked over at j who is a very experienced tripper and he simply said, 'now you understand.' I stared at him for a second and said 'holy shit'.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78509
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 13, 2015Views: 1,784
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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