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High Hopes
Salvia divinorum (21x extract)
Citation:   Garrett H.. "High Hopes: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (21x extract) (exp78566)". Mar 2, 2023.

T+ 0:00
1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  T+ 2:00 1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)

Episode Number one
Set: Naïve optimism
Setting: Giant Pacific Northwest Evergreen Forest along the Puget Sound

My mind was very anxious and excited to experience this entheogen. I had done prior research on peoples’ experiences, both good and bad. I didn’t know what to expect or how to feel. I was in for a surprise. We hiked off the beaten path and comfortably situated ourselves onto a pine needle bedding at the foot of monstrous evergreens and fallen trees. The pipe was loaded. I had taken my refuge on my area of the forest floor. My friends were staring at me with childish anticipation. Thanks Jim Morrison, “Break on through to the other side”. The last words I uttered before I entered my new realm. “It’s a pipe toke, big deal” I said out loud.

And then, the onslaught. 2 seconds after my exhale, my spirit and body were rushed and transported. I fell back into my bed of pine needles with shocking amazement. The voices of my friends annoyingly comfortable. A consistent buzz of pleasure had paralyzed my body with ecstasy. I had lost all of my motor skills and speech. I looked up at the canopy and wondered. Why can I not get comfortable? My spot was amazing, or so I had thought. I’m supposed to be comfortable. Now I’m digging for comfort. I buried my feet a foot into the soil, looking for refuge. Nothing. I pluck the loose pine needles from my itching body for relief. Nothing. There is a dragonfly humming and protruding into my personal space! These feelings were all encompassing my semi-conscious state. I was aware I was altered, but my uncomfort had taken away my spiritual alertness. I fell back against the forest floor seeking refuge from the unpleasantries. Eyes wide shut.

2 minutes later: I am confused at the presence that the Salvia has given my body. What is the purpose? My body and mind are on the verge of breaking through. Something is holding me back. The constant laughter from my 2 friends, the voices of children on the path only 50 yards away, the buzzing of the dragonfly, the wind in the forest, the pine needles raping my back, the un-appealing feel of darkened forest. I was not pleased.

1 minute later: I decide to open my widely shut eyes and regain my physical worldly consciousness. I am back. I sit up and say, “I feel drunk”. I couldn’t speak clearly and couldn’t stand up without falling over. My friends both urging me to leave the forest and retreat to the beach. Gladly I accept. Fast forward 2 hours.

Episode number two
Set: ecstatic optimism
Setting: Small Apartment, microfiber reclining sofa, reggae music. Upon returning to the apartment, after sifting through tide pools, I decide its time for round two. Albeit, a more comfortable and relaxing round two. I knew I was on the verge of experiencing Salvia delight. This time my setting was ideal. Load the bong and play the song. Lift off.

As I handed the bong to my friend I saw some very strange visuals. As soon as I inhaled I had two things on my mind. The beautiful sunset and the giant evergreens from the forest. As I exhaled, I noticed a giant horizontal evergreen tree pushing my friend into the apartment floor, bong still in hand. What?! I knew this was going to be fun. I managed to tell him that I was gonna pass out. Sure enough, I found myself in psychotropic purgatory. I kept glancing at my friend with a feeling of concern. I didn’t want to leave him alone, but I had to. I was neither unconscious nor conscious, but a splendid combination of the two.

Again, a wave of unimaginable bliss swept over my entire body. Starting on the right side. With every beat from the music, the bliss continued until it reached the left side. I checked to see if my friend was still alive. He was fine. I told myself that it was safe to enter the realm of the unconscious. I relaxed. Was I still human? I was pure love. I was a mass of pulsating ecstasy within the sofa. I was shifting. I was spiraling, but to where? My body felt like it was being guided towards the hallway light, as it seemed to twist and distort in its direction. As I shifted towards the left, the song captured my unconscious.

The lyrics were meant for me and were speaking directly to me. I had an overwhelming sense of joy and happiness from the rhythm. A sunset, evergreen trees, gorgeous light, and beautiful people all appeared on behalf of the song. Telling me to let go of my conscious body and retreat to the realm of the unconscious. Pulsating in my soul. There was no body anymore. Where a body once was, there was only an orgasmic wave of the outlined physical. I was in love. In love with the situation. In love with the feeling. In love with Salvia. I had broken through. The visuals of the gorgeous sunset and trees had cast a spell on my emotions.
There was no body anymore. Where a body once was, there was only an orgasmic wave of the outlined physical. I was in love. In love with the situation. In love with the feeling. In love with Salvia. I had broken through. The visuals of the gorgeous sunset and trees had cast a spell on my emotions.
I had to stay here and remain within the beauty.

Beyond the sunset there was something lurking. I knew it was there, but I didn’t pay attention. The song and the others were enticing me to come forth. Who are the others? That is not important. I was there with them. Every beat told me that there was indescribable beauty waiting for me in that sunset. And then it came to me. Like the apple that landed on Sir. Isaac Newton’s head. Not said in words, but an unmistakable feeling of fact, “Leave everything, nothing is important. Accept this feeling. This is but a taste of everything that you can imagine” I did not want to leave, but I couldn’t stay.

As the song ended (4:44 seconds), so did the presence and the loving scenery. The salvia remained, but my unconscious had left. I sat up on the sofa and saw that my friend was alright. I was still attached to the salvia, but was now awake. I had a feeling of paranoia once I sat up. I didn’t want the lurking presence to capture me now. Or had I been re-captured? Was the lurking presence that of my physical mind ordering me to remain within our physical realms? Had this presence tried to follow me into my Salvia world? I thought so. I wanted to go back. But, I was drained from the experience. I had the drunken feel like that in the forest. I sat up and watched the television, while the rest of the Salvia retreated back into the unknown. I had broken through, though just barely. I wanted more. More of every feeling that I had felt.

I felt at home.

High Hopes

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78566
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2023Views: 252
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Various (28), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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