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Resisting the Rainbow
Salvia divinorum (20X Extract)
Citation:   Jaz Agony. "Resisting the Rainbow: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20X Extract) (exp78573)". Sep 23, 2018.

  smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
My friends and I were shopping out of town when we decided to venture onto Northern Hemisphere to purchase a new bong. We were all very familiar with the usual drugs like marijuana and mushrooms, so we decided maybe it was time to explore a new drug. My friend Keisha bought a new glass water bong and one gram of 20x salvia. The man working the store had advised us that there was enough salvia to get everyone in the room absolutely fucked up. There were six of us in the store so we had to agree that would be enough. We decided we were going to smoke it at my house back where we lived, but unfortunately Keisha had an earache so we would have to endure the wait until she was healthy enough to enjoy the salvia to its full extent. We were disappointed but understood why.

The next day I was feeling rather ill, and I was experiencing really intense stomach pains so I pull my self out of the fun, but I was the only one in this group of friends that already had an experience with salvia. Which meant I was the only one who knew how much to pack, how much to smoke and how long to hold it in. Keisha tried salvia despite my non-attendance to the fun. She was with another friend of ours name Ash. They were in her car, and by watching the video they made I can tell there was a gorgeous sunset and nice location. Ash felt the blow but not the full extent and Keisha didn’t feel it.

Finally the day came where I wasn’t sick, Keisha wasn’t hurting and we had a location. We originally planned to smoke it at my house but then my father came over to see my brother. None of us feel comfortable around my father so we went to my mother’s house. I usually don’t enjoy being around my mother because she’s constantly nagging me about the drugs I use and how they will affect my chances of getting into a university, but we knew it was the only place we weren’t going to feel that uncomfortable. When we got there, we were ambushed by my mothers dogs. We then went to my mom’s kitchen to pack a bowl of salvia. They weren’t too sure but they had me this time to advise them. We decided we weren’t going to pack three separate bowls, but one ample bowl that would satisfy the three of us. We went back to the living room and sat around my mothers wooden table in front of a large window.

My mom was already starting to get my nerves. She keep bringing up my father (they’re separated), and would not stop asking questions about things that were not appropriate to talk about in front my friends. In addition, this was also the first time I introduced my friends to my mom.

Keisha was the first to step up to the plate. She flicked her Bic and the smoke started to brew. Quickly she passed the bong to me and let out a loud “ha.” Instantly she turned into a slobering, mumbling fool. It was as if she was mentally retarded. I turned to my mom and warned her that’s this is just the drug, she replied “oh, I’ve seen people smoke worse stuff.” I then turned to Keisha, got a another glimpse of how she was doing then I lit it up. I knew we were all sharing one bowl so I knew I had to be conscious of how much I was taking. Keisha took enough to burn a quarter of the bowl, and I took almost all of what was left. I passed the bong across the table to KC, she unfortunately got the bottom of the barrel and only got a small hit.

I looked away from KC and then instantly I felt like my body was falling, melting, and being folded many times. It hit me so hard I started resisting against the effects, all I could do was think to myself “oh my god, this is scary. This is how I’m going to die. Someone please help me, help me.”

While all this was happening, everything I was looking at instantly gained thousands of colourful, fast-moving outlines. Every thing was moving so fast and then I found my self staring at a knot in the wooden table. I then felt that I was the very knob I found my self staring at. I was one with the table. It was as if the world was 2D, except for me. Since the world was 2D, the layers were able to change colour by peeling off like a giant sticker. Then as I looked around, I realized that I was trapped in a rainbow world where every colour was a different world. Every world got less bazaar as the colours got less intense. When I was almost back to our colour world I found my self stuck half way between colours, and because I was stuck I felt like I couldn’t breathe anymore. Once I started coming back to reality I jumped of my chair as fast as I possibly could, then ran over to my mom. I started yelling to her “get it off, get it off,” and pointing to my shoulders.

“There’s nothing there.” She replied. But I wouldn’t give up. I was sure that I still was stuck in the rainbow and I wanted her to get it off me. To me, she helped me out of the rainbow but to her, all she did was move my hair to convince me she was helping me. I then felt really angry and scared as I was coming out of my high, and I found my self getting frustrated with my mother for not listening to me about how I thought I almost died. I sat down once my high was gone and had a cigarette. The only thoughts running through my head was everything I just saw and how scared I was. I felt like I never wanted to go to that place again.

The next day keisha and I decided to smoke what was left of the salvia. We gave a small bowl to Ash, then split up what was left. We both had separate bongs this time, so no one would get the short end. We both started to brew. The instant I heard Ash say “look at the stoner kids” my trip kicked into action. It was the same bad trip I had last time. I was terrified except this time I was the knot in the table. I was melting to the couch. I felt as if I was in a giant flip book of colour this time. The only voice I could fully understand was Ashes. So as I was trying to get out of the layers I used her voice to get me out of my trip. It didn’t work though. It made me trip harder..

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78573
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 23, 2018Views: 688
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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