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Very Strong Stuff
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Tailor of Truth. "Very Strong Stuff: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp7878)". May 31, 2002.

270 seeds oral Morning Glory
I had been reading into so-called legal highs for about a month, looking for things I could experience that wouldn't get me in trouble as I am in a position where I cannot do controlled substances. I eventually surfed to a great site and found a wealth of information, and was intrigued by Morning Glory seeds.

So I went to my local Home & Garden store and purchased six packets each containing about 1.5 grams of seeds. They were the Heavenly Blue variety and they did indeed have a label diretly on the front that stated: 'not for human consumption' which informed me they had been treated with poisons. A nasty practice, I say, but I can see where there could be some possible lawsuits if someone had a bad experience on the seeds and the company did not provide a warning.

Anyway, I was going to try the extraction method, but I found that to be too much work and the Naptha part especially scared me. So instead I washed the seeds very thoroughly with dish soap and water 3 different times. I let them sit in an airtight jar for about a week or so, and noticed a few had something like a fungus growing on them. I discarded these and washed them yet again and let them dry and then placed them back in the jar.

[Erowid Note: This is an unusual (and likely bad) way to 'clean' the seeds, since storing wet plant material can cause it to grow any of a wide variety of molds and/or bacteria which may produce unpleasant or unhealthy chemicals.]

A few days later I examined them, no fungus or anything. The jar did have a mildly unpleasant smell. I counted them out and had approximately 270 seeds. I then made the somewhat spontaneous decision to grind them up in a coffee grinder and eat them.

Be forewarned: they are tough little buggers to grind. They look sort of like sawdust when ground up. I then mixed them up with some yogurt and a crushed granola bar to mask the taste. My plan worked well and I couldn't taste them at all.

I had an empty stomach and began to feel the effects within an hour. I was watching a movie and listening to music. I was alone in my apartment and had no obligations the next day. I would stress to any potential user to make sure you have no obligations for the next 1-2 days.

Now, before I explain the details of my experience, please heed my suggestions. Make sure you are in a comfortable place. Make sure you are mentaly confident and at peace with yourself. DO NOT try and operate a car or other vehicle--I was completely incapacitated and there was no way I could have driven myself anywhere, walked down a street or functioned in public. The seeds are very, very potent.

Back to my story.

I sat on my couch, with a glass of water and my beloved remote controls. :) I began to feel strange. Hard to explain, just a strange feeling not unlike a mild alcohol buzz. I began to feel nauseaus(sp?). I had read all the information here on Erowids site, and had indeed read many reports of nausea and vomiting.

I felt it would be completely undesirable to vomit in my bathroom, so I made sure I had something at hand I could use in case the need arised. I sat very still on my couch. My whole body began to weaken. I felt extreme exhaustion. I was perhaps an hour and a half since I had ate the seeds.

I tried to ignore the nausea and it never became severe enough to vomit.

I began to feel the effects of the drug intensely now, and the nausea passed. My body became leaden, and movement was very difficult. I stared at my wall for a great portion of the night. I have a collage of many images that takes up the space of an entire wall.

The music sort of put me into a deep meditative state, and my bodily functions seemed to slow. I could feel my heart beating, and I could feel the drug in every inch of my body. I barely swallowed and my mouth became very dry. I would go perhaps 5-7 minutes without swallowing because I was so far gone I forgot to.

It became apparent to me that this is a very powerful substance at this point in time. I sat on my couch the entire night, it was extremely comfortable and I played with my hair a good portion of the night, it felt very good.

As far as hallucinations, I did not have many visuals. A few instances of walls breathing, minor things really. The real sensations came when I closed my eyes. It was like having a whole dream in the space of a few seconds.

I would close my eyes--listening to very relaxing ambient music--and surreal dream-like images would appear out of nowhere coming at *frightening* speed. There was a strange pouding sensation throughout my body and mind while under the effects of the drug. Sort of like drums pounding, or machinery or rumbling. This became very, very intense for me and I began wishing I could turn it off, and stop the effects of the drug. At this point I knew I was peaking, approximately 4-5 hours after I had ingested the seeds.

I calmed myself down however, my rational thought was still functioning. I turned on my TV and watched the David Letterman show, which became intensely interesting. I don't think I have ever been more entertained by TV. I watched it in utter rapture, and this helped to take away the frightening dreamlike visions.

I watched a few hours worth of TV, and began to notice the effects wear off suddenly. It was sort of relieving but also sad because it did feel very good to watch TV as I was peaking. Then I turned the lights off and went to sleep on my couch.

Now, that probably sounds good to you, the reader. But I must also warn you I did experience some physical pain also. I felt a pain in my chest--not heart pain--but pain that seemed to be *in* my rib bones, particularly the sternum. I also experience some painful urination which I assume was my body eliminating either the poisons the seller laced the seeds with or just the Morning Glory chemicals. I really do not know if these pains were a result of the Morning Glory or the unknown chemicals they had been treated with.

I did however, take a few of the seeds and plant them outside. They are growing nicely and next time--should I feel the need--I can experience them in pure form.

One thing I found interesting, is the FAQ says that about 200-500 seeds would be needed for deep meditation. Now, let me tell you, I took about 270 and I was completely blown away for about 8 hours. I cannot even fathom how severe 500 seeds would be.

This is a very powerful drug and not to be underestimated. I would not take it in unfamiliar surroundings or with strangers. I'd even be reluctant to take it with friends.

Good luck to anyone who tries them and please use them responsibly.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7878
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2002Views: 23,974
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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