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To the Bone
Citation:   Ottergrrl. "To the Bone: An Experience with LSD (exp7887)". Jul 7, 2001.

2 hits oral LSD
For the New Years Eve of the millenium my fiance and I decided we wanted to ring in the year with a couple of hits of LSD. A few days before Dec 31 we each took one double dosed sugar cube because we had no idea how strong they were, and we wanted to ensure that our celebration would be both spectacular and comprehensible.

Coming up brought the usual menage of disquieting feelings, like everything around you was waking up for your trip to entertain you, to parade their secret lives before you. My fiance was playing a video game at first, but as things became more intense he had to turn it off because the game was becomming too real and threatened to suck us into television.

For the first couple of hours we wandered around our house, digging through storage to find old memories. We eventually ended up at the kitchen table with the intention to smoke some pot, but that plan got pushed to the background as we set off on a most intense, life examining conversation about being truthful, to yourself and others, and if it was possible to live a completely honest existence and not be thrown in a crazy house or in jail.

Soon our conversation began going in loops, which to me was a signal that some sort of critical mass was being reached, and we came to realize that neither of us had ever been with someone we could be completely honest with, until now. That peak, and the quiet triumph that accompanied it, rode in slowly from the sea and flooded our minds. The plateau carried us into the shower, to scrub and shed ourselves of all previous conversation until the only thing left was the final realization, and it was all so ridiculously simple. We came into each others arms under the spray, our bodies doing what they were meant to do with absolutely no pretense.

When we were done there was no drop off, we both felt exactly as we had when we first got into the shower. Making love was a creature statement, we are here, we are alive, and this is what we are meant to do. We went back into the kitchen to try and convince our bodies that soup was indeed needed. When I usually shower near the end of my trip, comming out of it is always a booster for me, like I expect the water to wash the LSD away and then I am impressed at how much it still remains despite my cleansing efforts.

He and I have since tried having sex on LSD once more (on the actual eve of New Years), and it was very different than the first, but just as intense and magickal. I had tried it with someone else about 7 years ago, someone I was not completely honest with, and it was a disaster. LSD strips your ego of any pretense, and bares you to the bone if you let it.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 7887
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2001Views: 13,184
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4)

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