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The Seeds Didn't Taste as Usual
Argyreia speciosa (sold as H.B. Woodrose)
Citation:   green snake. "The Seeds Didn't Taste as Usual: An Experience with Argyreia speciosa (sold as H.B. Woodrose) (exp78941)". Apr 13, 2020.

15 seeds oral Unknown
Beware of Fake H.B. Woodrose

A month ago I bought 100 “Argyreia Nervosa” seeds from an online vendor. The day I received the seeds I popped them in immediately. I've had previous experiences with H.B. Woodrose and at the time of the seed consumption I noticed the seeds didn't taste as usual, they tasted more like grass.
I noticed the seeds didn't taste as usual, they tasted more like grass.
After 30 minutes I didn't experience the usual euphoria. Instead, two hours went by and I didn't perceive any behavioral changes and knew I had been ripped off. So, I went to sleep disappointed.

The next morning upon waking up, my neck was stiff and every time I touched any part of my body it would hurt, even sitting in a plump leather couch would hurt. I knew something had gone terribly wrong. My body was hurting for the next two days and it was complete hell. I took a close look at the seeds I had bought and noticed that they looked different than H.B.W. Thanks to the image vault I identified the poison I have taken as Argyreia Speciosa. I googled Argyreia Speciosa and sure enough chemicals in those seeds caused the reactions I had experienced.

So please, every time you buy “Argyreia Nervosa seeds” compare them to an image of a real H.B. Woodrose seed before ingesting the alleged entheogen.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 78941
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 13, 2020Views: 1,037
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : Hangover / Days After (46), What Was in That? (26), Unknown Context (20)

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