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Best Feeling
by OC80
Citation:   OC80. "Best Feeling: An Experience with Heroin (exp79190)". Erowid.org. Aug 19, 2020. erowid.org/exp/79190

1 line insufflated Heroin (powder / crystals)
I am a healthy 23 year old male. Since the age of 16 I have used opiates sometimes daily for a month, other times I would go weeks without any.

My buddy has been trying to convince me to try heroin ever since the age of 19. I have always rejected it, he claimed it was just like any other opiate, but better. Eventually I gave in, he lined up a brownish off white color powder. I kept repeating 'you have to try everything once' in my head to try and remove the sense of guilt I was feeling. I snorted the line and leaned back on the couch and watched the television. It had a nice burn to it, but not to bad.

Waiting for the effects to kick in, I slowly crept into a state of well-being. It took about 5 minutes to feel anything. Within the next 10 minutes. I was sure I was feeling the full effects. My body was flushed with a wave of warmth. Traveling through my veins. I was very pleased to say the least. All bad thoughts and feelings were instantly gone. I could still function easily, the head rush was amazing. I knew I was going to want more of this, that didn't bother me. All I wanted to do was sit back and enjoy myself. Next, after a good hour, I could feel the effects starting to wear off. I found myself wanting more, but I resisted. This drug is highly addictive and I dont recommend anyone to try it more than one or two times.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79190
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Aug 19, 2020Views: 1,245
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Heroin (27) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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