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Couldn't Believe It
Citation:   Gamma. "Couldn't Believe It: An Experience with Kratom (exp79279)". Apr 10, 2018.

1 Tbsp oral Kratom (tea)
I've used nearly every drug that I can think of. Unfortunately, I developed a heroin habit that stayed with me for nearly three years.. so when I read about the opiate-like effects of Kratom I was very interested. I haven't used any opiates for months now, so my tolerance should be at zero. I'm not opposed to opiates, but I'm just not fooling myself into thinking that I can control heroin to any extent.

Let me start by saying that before I found Kratom, I tried Kava several times with absolutely zero effect. This made me skeptical of any herbal legal high, but I decided to give it a try. So I obtained 4 ounces of crushed-leaf Kratom from a reputable online site and it came today. I looked up a quick recipe that called for a tablespoon of leaf, and boiled it in two and a half cups of water for 15 minutes. I then strained the remaining liquid through a paper towel into my cup. In hindsight, I think I would boil it for 5 or 10 more minutes just to get the total volume down some more. It was surprisingly bitter to taste, but not nearly as revolting as Kava. I added a packet of Arizona Tea and could barely taste the bitterness at all.

I got through about half of the glass over a 15 minute time frame. It was still very hot. My stomach was empty and a little messed up lately, so I had to stop at half the glass because of some discomfort. I was disappointed because I was sure I hadn't gotten enough down to produce the renowned opiate high. I'd say that I got about 4 or 5 grams worth of boiled leaf tea down (I've read that a tablespoon is roughly 7 grams). About a half hour after taking my first sip, I became undeniably relaxed and high in the pit of my stomach, like only an opiate can produce. Beautiful. Amazing. Spectacular.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 79279
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2018Views: 1,339
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