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Directors Seat
by Jdog
Citation:   Jdog. "Directors Seat: An Experience with JWH-018 (exp79286)". May 11, 2010.

5 mg smoked JWH-018
About 5 minutes after smoking the JWH-018 it hit me hard. My body however showed little reaction. I was coherent but it wasn't me controlling everything. It was as if my body was acting on instinct and my mind was just sort of there watching everything happening.

I wasn't completely myself, but after a couple minutes I began to come back around. Moving was difficult and my memory was completely shot while peaking.

All in all it wasn't an unpleasant experience. I didn't expect it to be so intense but hey, that's what happens when you experiment.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 79286
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 11, 2010Views: 3,811
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JWH-018 (483) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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